Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, December 27, 2010

Darnell's Top Ten

Top Ten Favorites of Christmas 2010:

10. White Christmas – Yes, it’s #10 and lucky to even have made it on the list. It pretty much made the cut because the significance of snow falling, on Christmas, in South Carolina is huge. Apparently it was the first time in 47 years so I guess it deserves a spot, even if it’s dead last. If you were one of the many thrilled with this event, I’m happy for you. Really. I know it’s not something that happens every day so enjoy it. I just happen to have different memories. Memories of many a winter in the Midwest where we were immobolized with snow. NOT FUN. I couldn’t wait to get away from those harsh climates so obviously I'm not thrilled when they show up in the South. In fact, last year we were stuck in a blizzard in Missouri and coming home was no easy feat {as if it isn’t hard enough with good weather when you’re driving 14 hours with 3 small children}. Fortunately, my boys have a ‘big brother’ for a father, who couldn't hardly wait to get them outside yesterday, only to pound them with snowballs. No, I am quite content to watch from the kitchen window with my warm cup of coffee in one hand and a piece of pie in the other.

9. Gifts – Guess I should clarify. This means my gifts. The ones for me. I would say the ones given to me but that wouldn’t be completely accurate. I did purchase a new pair of shoes for myself just days before Christmas after a sweet friend convinced me I would love them and wear them all the time. I have to admit that she was right. Today is the first day I haven’t worn them in a week. They just go with everything. Six months ago, I hadn’t heard of Danskos. Now I wish I had every color in the rainbow. One day that darn money tree is going to find its way to Birchleaf Lane. I also received awesome gifts from my brother, in-laws and especially from my thoughtful husband. I sent him the link to this necklace months ago and totally forgot about it. Luckily he didn’t! I was so surprised! It’s one more thing I’ve worn daily since I’ve opened it.

8. Travel-Free – Beyond a 30 minute drive to Woodruff for Christmas dinner, we did no traveling this Christmas and it was wonderful. Less stress + quality time = happy little family. Sure beats having to plow through 4ft snowdrifts just to get out of the driveway and head home like last year {see above-not bitter}. We may be on to something with this no-travel thing. We had a nice, big Christmas Eve dinner, made reindeer food, left snacks, opened one present and went right down to sleep with the visions of sugar cookies. Cookies, plums, it's all relative.

7. Forever Friends – I’m not going to lie. I have the BEST group of friends. Old ones, new ones – I am so very, very blessed to have each of you in my life. Whether I got an email, a text, a Christmas card or a big, pink surprise, I just want to thank you all for being in my life and loving me and my family the way that you do. I’m a lucky girl for sure.

6. Homeless Friends – I've mentioned in previous posts that we help feed the homeless, particularly on the 4th Saturday of every month. It just so happened that the 4th Saturday of December was Christmas Day! There is no greater feeling in the world than serving those less fortunate with the family on Jesus' birthday. We served a hearty Christmas dinner and met many needs that day. Thanks to everyone who donated and/or served and helped make this possible. Though the volume of homeless friends was lower than usual, it was to be expected in the snowy conditions.

*Two newsworthy notes –

a) We had put our boys in the van to watch a movie, due to the cold temps and precipitation. All was fine, until the blessing of the meal. We were all joined in a circle, listening as the man prayed over the food, when we hear ‘HEEEEEEEEEEEEEY.’ Of course it was my child. Of course it was during the only silent time of the afternoon. Of course. d1 will tell you that he was just helping one of the other kids out – she had to use the bathroom and he felt it was his job to notify someone. I guess I should be glad that ‘HEY’ was all he shouted instead of ‘Hey, Alexa has to go #2!’ Speaking of potty…..

b) After we wrapped up the feeding and were getting ready to drive away to the family dinner, d1 tells us that he badly has to go. We are in the ghetto of Greenville, on Christmas Day, at 5:30. Our options are limited. We did what we had to do. We emptied out a water bottle and used it as a makeshift urinal. Somehow I drew the short stick and got to hold the bottle. Something went terribly wrong and the urinal ‘leaked.’ Merry Christmas to me. I tried to not freak out and, in hindsight, I’m not sure why I did but I did. I mean, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. I have three boys. I've been showered many times during diaper duty and poop is a permanent fixture in our home. Poor kid - he just kept saying, 'Sorry, Mommy.' Guess I had just hoped to make it to dinner without stinking.....obviously a far fetched dream.

5. My brother – My baby brother{ok, so he is 24 years old} made the very long drive to spend Christmas with us and it was a wonderful visit. We had a few laughs with ‘Little Fockers,’ ate Japanese food, played some Monopoly and just hung out. The boys really enjoyed spending time with Adam, too! He even managed to add yet one more weapon to our household collection with a medieval-style gun. He says it was essential in capturing the dragon. Ok but guess what? These heathens have NO desire to capture a dragon. The dragon has played no part in their twisted fun. The dragon is likely buried somewhere in the play room rubble. Their only desire is to tag Momma D in the back of the head while I’m in the kitchen. I literally need eyes back there. That or a full body shield.

4. d3 – The littlest d-man seemed to really enjoy himself this Christmas. We had a hard time shopping for him this year – what do you get the kid whose brothers have everything? I can’t justify buying him something that we already have, especially when he would be totally content with a box of Teddy Grahams and a spatula. Needless to say, our gifts to him were minimal but others made up for it. Grandma S got him a Cozy Coupe and Grandpa D got him his own rocking horse, both of which he loved. We did buy him a few new books, my favorite being 'Everyone Poops.' I can't even say the title without giggling, which only means one of two things: a) I was destined to be on the all-boys team or b) My mind has been corrupted.

3. d2 – According to my little guy, ‘I want a Woody since I already have a Buzz.’ His words, not mine, to Santa. And Santa didn’t let him down. Unfortunately, we may have taken the boys to see Santa a little too early this year because d2’s requests slowly changed from Woody to a flashlight to a basketball goal to a DS. We had to explain that Santa doesn’t have ESP and that he can’t change his mind after the fact. He seemed to be okay with that. Note to self: Don’t visit Santa in October. Note to retailers: Don’t hire Santa in October. d2’s other favorite gift? A Radio Flyer wheelbarrow. It’s cute and will be even cuter when D1 makes a spot for it in the already over-crowded garage and out of the kitchen. I don't find it cute that d2 wants to haul trash in his wheelbarrow when the trash is from the trash can. d2 was especially fond of the fact that Santa left his toy bag at our house.

2. d1 – This boy was crazy excited for Santa to come this year. With him, there were no changes in his toy request. It’s been the same all along. He wanted a Dairy Queen blizzard maker. Is anyone shocked here? Good thing Mommy Santa shopped Target one random day in November and nabbed the last one. Those things were hot commodities. He also scored a Nintendo DS and a few fun games. d1 was thrilled that Santa wrote a note back to them and left it by the cookies. The animated look that d1 and d2 had on their face was priceless....

I added this picture because this NEVER happens. They NEVER play together in harmony. EVER.

Last but certainly not least -

1. Savior’s birth – ‘Remember the Reason for the Season.’ Though many say it, I wonder how many actually ‘get’ it, how many truly understand why we celebrate CHRISTmas. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the giving of gifts, as long as one understands that we give gifts because a gift was given to us, in the form of a baby boy, born in a manger. He came to Earth for one reason – to die. Because He died, we live. Listen, my life is not perfect. I struggle in so many areas. Most days are far from fun. Just because I have a relationship with Jesus does not mean I will not have hard times. However, I am covered in God’s grace and I know that I am promised an eternal life with the One who knows me best, who created me. That is what keeps me going when I feel like giving up. That is the hope I have found in my Redeemer. There's power in that gift.

Merry Christmas from the Darnell's!

This was the picture that should have been on the Christmas card - except with us all wearing matching scarves and gazing at each other with love and adoration.


Glenda Costa said...

Your Top Ten List makes me happy and makes me want to write one of my own.....I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas.... Happy New Year to the family of Ds!
Glenda Costa

Jessica said...

You make me laugh and you make me cry with your posts. You should write a book, it would def be a bestseller. Merry Christmas!

w and js mommy said...

I love you! YOu make me smile...hehehehehe I love POOP talk too and thank GOD for being the QUEEN of this boy land.

Autumn said...

LOL! So glad the danskos made the should've been Christmas pic! :)