Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, December 10, 2010

Classy Christmas Two-Thousand-And-Ten

Earlier this week, we mailed off our Christmas cards. If you haven't received it yet, please don't hate me. I'm sure there's an explanation. It's always possible that the mail man lost it.....or I just plain forgot. The latter is definitely the most likely. {sigh}

This is our first year in a house with a real mantle and a real tree. When we discussed the photo for our cards, I envisioned three boys in coordinating sweater vests by the fire and spilling sipping hot cocoa. Clearly, D1 had a different idea. And so this is what marriage is all about. Choosing battles. After all, I did veto inflatable St. Nick. I had to give the poor guy something to live for. Even if that means that my boys' dignities were forever compromised.

Below are a few pictures that didn't quite measure up. Could it be the violent nature of the picture? We clearly went in the direction of comical instead of classy this year.

{The weapons in the pictures were presents from Grandma S, opened just minutes before the shoot for the sole purpose of the picture. They have since been confiscated and now sit on top of the refrigerator. Oh and P.S. - NERF swords and axes DO hurt and WILL leave bruises. I.HATE.THEM. No, really. I have serious anger issues with these toys.}

And below lies 'the one.'

Just be thankful I was able to keep D1 out of the picture. It wasn't easy. Good thing the battery died before he could find his cape and boots, buried somewhere in the closet.


Lauren said...

oh. my. word. that is HYSTERICAL! that's so reality though, isn't it. this post made my night, especially the "peace" stocking hangers in the background. ironic, huh?

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I adore that picture. So very cute! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

Amy B

Jessica said...

This is just beyond funny, I hope they appreciate what an awesome mom you are.