Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Car Line Convos

Today's version of 'Darnell's Say the Darndest', brought to you by your local sponsor.....

d1 – When did you graduate?
Me – Thirteen years ago {gasp!}
d1 – When did you get married?
Me – In 2003.
d1 – Why did you marry Daddy?
Me – I married Daddy because I love him. He is an amazing man.
d1 – Amazing? Really? Even when he farts? Because he does it all the time.
Me – Well……you do have a point. How about we keep that to ourselves and not share with the class this morning…..

As far as I know, d1 didn't go and share the specifics on his father's flatulence. Seriously, though. What is it about the car that sparks conversations like these? It wasn’t that long ago that I was subjected to pre-pubescent interrogation.....

This man I call my spouse is something else. It’s hard to describe him. Take the above picture, for example. The little boys didn’t suggest the goofy face – he did. Who else thinks he looks a little too much like Gilligan? {good call, Angie!} He is absolutely the ringleader in this little circus of ours. Sometimes it makes me insane. He does still find 'tooting' as funny as the 4-year-old but my research tells me that is the consensus with ALL males, young and old. Sure, finding his underwear on the kitchen counter makes me see red. Watching him ‘slice’ d2’s neck with the NerfAxe while wearing the Storm Trooper helmet and SuperMan cape has me wondering if he licked a can of lead paint as a child. Sometimes I want to strangle him for his childish behavior. I mean, is it any wonder why the children {not just ours} flock to him? HE'S STILL A KID. And yes, far too often I find myself screaming ‘GROW UP!’ but the truth is I love his sense of humor. I love watching him run like Forrest Gump. I love when he makes up dances from out of the blue. I absolutely love everything about him.

Note to self: tell him a little more often.

Love you, Big D.


w and js mommy said...

Dallas is one of a kind and our public schools are better for it! WE NEED MORE DADS-MEN to be like Dallas! My boys are blessed to have them in their lives! :) Dallas and John A. are kinda like the "kid whisperers" they speak "kid" and I love that!

Jessica said...

Never a dull moment. Reading your blog always makes me laugh, I'm sure living it is hysterical. And I just love how you tell the boys not to share about their father's flatulence and then you post it all over the blog. He's a great dad and you're sweet to publicly praise him.

Bri said...

Actuallyyyyyy......I think Dallas may have been the one who licked the lead paint can when we were kids. Pretty sure he probably tasted the asbestos siding that was chipping off of Grandma and Poppy's house. Maybe it was all his graceful moments which resulted in a lump on the head that prohibited maturity past age 4. :) Seriously though, Dallas is great, he's never taken himself too seriously and has always been able to lighten the mood in any room. I love that he has such a great wife who appreciates him in all his *tooting*, cape wearing, underwear slinging, nerf axe carrying glory. :)

snk4ever said...

I am picturing Dallas waving goodbye to us like Forrest Gump the last time we came to visit!! Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!
PS...this is Kathy..I finally set up a blog!

KLee said...

Really, he and JD need to get together! So excited they have worked together kid whispering this year and again at SS this summer!