Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Sillies

Today D1 and I decided to begin a weekly bible study with the boys. Nothing elaborate, mind you, but every Sunday night after dinner and bath time, we are going to review the bible story/verse that they learned earlier that day at church and just give them the opportunity to ask questions and work on Scripture memorization and then end with family prayer. Though it went fairly well, we can't do anything in this house without adding a layer of laughter.

Before the conversation, picture this. Three boys in their jammies, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the carpet, full of giggles and gas.

D1: OK, boys. Who remembers their bible verse from church this morning?
d1: Can I have pancakes tomorrow?
D2: Right now, we're not talking about breakfast. You had two verses, one from Mark and one from Psalms. Can you tell me one of them?
d1: I know how to spell Psalms - P-S-A-L-M-S. The 'P' is silent.
D2: Good. Now what was the verse?
d2: OUCH! Dayne just bit my toe.
d3: {giggles}
D1: Dayne, go sit in time out for biting.
d3: Ooo mean! No!
D2: Now, let's start with the first one. It was from Mark 12:41 about the widow's offering. What did she give?
d1: She gave money.
d2: Yes and it was more than the rich people. It was all she had.
D1: Wow. That's right. Jesus asks us to give 1/10 back to Him. That's one penny out of ten. It's so little compared to what we've been blessed with.
d1: How exactly does it get up there? You know, to heaven?
d2: Did you hear that, Bubby? {giggles} Do you smell it?
D2: {shooting 'the look' to d2} Good question, Dagen. It doesn't, really. We give to the church so that our tithes and offerings can help others to learn about Jesus, like with mission trips.
d1: OK. Are we done? I want to go shoot Davis with the gun.

That's the condensed version but obviously their minds were a little all over the place. Oh well. We'll keep trying. Even if they are only able to memorize one a month, it's worth the effort. We're building that armor, one verse at a time.

As I type this, I am being treated to a skit, courtesy of D1 and the two older boys, a re-enactment of the Foghorn Leghorn scene in Space Jam. You would think it was their idea - I mean, they are the kids. Wrong. All planned and produced by their father. Their 32 year old father. The same father that initiated outdoor races today that ended with my toddler rolling down the hill and ultimately coming to a halt after his little wagon hit a neighbors car, as I watched the whole thing in horror. Good times.

As for the car - no dents, no ding, no declaration of guilt. It was a plastic wagon, after all. How much damage could it really have done?


Autumn said...

If I wet my pants at my desk it will surely be your fault! I can so picture and hear it all happening. LOVE IT!

Miss Rhonda said...

LOVE THIS! I will use you and Dallas as examples for sure! This is exactly how we partner my friend! Small steps.. it will become a habit... then they will begin to expect it and learn from it! AWESOME!!