Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, January 7, 2011

Busy Little D's

To my two little athletic d’s, Mommy loves you so
And because I’m solo when your daddy coaches
This you need to know

Running you around all week
Is not an easy task
Feeding you dinner in a rush each night
I often want to ask

Is it really worth it?
Do you really need this meal?
I think a small snack would suffice
I mean, c’mon, let’s be real

You complain about the veggies
You whine about the drink
You make such a wicked mess
And so I often think

That if your father coached
Winter, spring, summer and fall
You would likely play nothing
No baseball, no basketball, no football

Your practices are torture
Much thanks to baby boy
He has no concept of sitting
He cares nothing about a toy

He wants to run and run and run
In the hallway or on the court
He has no fear of being injured
Only wanting to play the sport

It’s not that I’m unprepared, oh no
I pack Goldfish, cookies and juice
He just eats it all so quickly
Only wanting to be free and break loose

Fortunately, for everyone
Daddy's season ends soon
It really couldn’t come quick enough
I think I'm turning a loon

Though you are young and don’t understand the challenges
One day, rest assured, you will
But, for now, have mercy on dear ole’ Mom
And go find me an energy pill……


w and s mommy said...

bahaaaaaaaa thanks for sharing your snacks with my beast child!

Lauren said...

Bless you. I don't know how you do it, but I'd like to because I'm sure I'll be doing it too (in some way shape or form) some day!

Laura said...

Ha! i love it!

Caroline said...

HA!! Awesome!! I'll only be doing all the running around with 2 and don't know how I will do it:)