Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Archiving Some Funnies

Since he was a little guy, d1 has said he wants to be a farmer. A recent conversation of ours went like this -

Me - 'Do you still want to be a farmer when you grow up?'
d1 - 'Yep, I'm going to grow crops, drive tractors, milk cows and raise chickens. My chickens will lay eggs but not the kind that turn into chicks. The ones that we eat.'
Me - 'And then one day you'll get married and have lots of kids running around your farm.'
d1 - 'Well, I want a wife but no kids. They just get in the way and they'll stomp all over my plants.'

Okie dokie, then.

And then there's d2 and his career plans. Not long ago, we were driving down the road when we had a similar conversation. When I asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he started rattling off several occupations, one being a 'worker man.' And by that, he meant the guy on the side of the road in an orange jumpsuit. Maybe it was the clicker-picker-upper the 'worker' carried that sparked his interest in that job. Who knows. Bless his heart. One day I'll let him know that he long ago aspired to be a convict on work release.

Let's not forget little man, the rock star in the making. This week, we realized some of his babble isn't just babble. He's singing his first song. Twinkle, Twinkle? Huh uh. ABC's? Nope. He's way more advanced than that. He's got the chorus down to the Montgomery Gentry hit 'There's One In Every Crowd.' In the car, in the crib or in the kitchen, he screams, 'Hey y'all!' So what if it's not preschool appropriate. It's funny.

Probably better than d1's first song. A Kenny Chesney classic. The one where she thought his tractor was.....

OK, fine. I need to re-program the radio stations.


Caroline said...

S and d1 would be great together!! She wants to be a farmer too and feed the cows and plant a garden. Although, she already talks about having babies so it might not work for them:)

W and Js mommy said...

and then theres W's first sung out loud song= RIDin DIRTY--YIKES time to change the station--BAD parents ! HAAAAAA
At least Jay was singing Toby MAC yesterday that was higher score than Ridin Dirty

W and Js mommy said...

Oh and Jay wants to be a
"FAR-MORE" too he only wants pigs so maybe they can have a CO-OP