Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, September 16, 2010

SuperMom or SuperMess?

Some girls I work with have often referred to me as Supermom and I just laugh it off. Though I know they say it with total kindness, I often think how they couldn't be more wrong.

If they were to be a fly on the wall in my home on any given day, they might see carmelized cereal-milk stuck to my hardwoods in the kitchen. I've yet to mop my floors and we've been here 3 months. Gross. They might find every bathroom trashcan overflowing with dirty diapers and TP tubes because I wait to empty them until that very next Q-tip causes a landslide. And home organization? Clearly a concept of the past. I have this amazing master closet that I had envisioned to easily house all of my scrapbooking toys in a neat & orderly fashion. However, one might not make their way back out of the closet due to the never-ending piles of laundry.

I constantly forget about show-and-tell, lunch money, birthday parties and book fairs. I can't seem to keep their names straight when I'm (gasp!) yelling at my boys. Sometimes my mind wanders when I pack d1's lunch and he ends up with two desserts and no fruit. I showed up late to Meet-The-Teacher AND Open House (two separate occasions). d3 tinkled on his way in the tub - I didn't change the water.

Uh huh. I'm a self-proclaimed mess.

Here's the crazy part -- we're about to multiply the maddness. D1 starts his season soon and I revert back to my 'coach's wife' role, d1 & d2 start their own b-ball leagues and I'm heading up some outreach projects at TFBC. Some of these projects have the potential to really make a difference for those who both give and receive. I don't really know where the extra energy is going to come from but I have complete FAITH that God will provide. He will provide me with patience, enthusiasm, spirit,....everything I need to pull it all off.

Maybe SuperMom has her house in immaculate condition, laundry neatly folded and a healthy balanced meal on the table every night. I certainly don't. But that's okay. There are more important things in life. There are lost people who need us to reach out, people who yearn for hope, for a reason to live. I desperately want my children to understand how extremely blessed they are and show them how to spread God's love to the world. If that means I neglect house work (even more) or cook a couple extra frozen meals, so be it. The boys probably prefer Stouffer's over my homemade anyway.

When God's love prevails, I'll accept SuperMess over SuperMom.....


Lauren said...

well said, LOVE IT!

w and js mommy said...

I LOVE YOU!!!! I can't wait to start this journey with you! YOu are my super hero friend! ;)

Bri said...

Amen girl! I traded immaculate housekeeping and well balanced meals from scratch for drive thru or take-out for serving my God. Between volunteering half or full days five days a week at school, keeping my friends baby, doing my children's worship stuff, Awana stuff, military ministry stuff, youth group activities, soccer practices, scouts, and school foundation stuff something had to give. It was the domestic duties. Not only is my master closet overflowing with disorganization, the laundry room is desperately needing a day of organizing, and I have things in the fridge that I'm not even sure when I cooked it! :x Alas, God doesn't look at how clean our houses are, He's looking at how clean our hearts are! :)