Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bootcamp Butt-Whoopin'

In all my infinite wisdom, I thought it a good idea to start working out again. Figured it couuldn't hurt my weight loss journey. No big deal, really. I know my way around a gym and am aware of what I need to do to burn calories. A little elliptical, a little treadmill, some ab work, and out. Then I decided to take a chance and take a Zumba class at the Y and it was super fun. I got a nice little workout, nothing too strenuous. I'm thinking 'Wow, maybe I'm not nearly as out of shape as I thought.' I will soon find that to be an incorrect (and painful) assumption.

The next week a friend and I decided to attend a Saturday morning bootcamp session. This was my first ever bootcamp and I wasn't really sure what to expect. We did some suicides, some mountain climbers, some burpies, some lunges -- just a bunch of circuit exercises. It was tough but not unbearable. The next day, my legs were pretty sore but not nothing too intense.

Fast forward to this past Saturday. Yesterday. Same friend, same time, different instructor. This week, GI Joe was in charge. I jogged. I jumped. I did more push-ups in 58 minutes than I've done in my entire 30 years on this planet. I did bear climbs and crab crawls up and down a hill, resulting in one nice face plant by yours truly. Um, yeah. Real graceful. However, I was just glad I survived without vomiting. Seriously, though. I have never hurt so bad after a workout. Never. Not even after d1's childbirth that included 3 hours of pushing his abnormally large sized head out. OK, maybe that part of my body wasn't as affected but the rest of my body was begging for mercy. Today is worse. It literally hurts to breathe. The boys hug me and I want to cry. I am starting to wonder if I passed out along the trail yesterday and someone came by and beat me with a baseball bat. Yes, it feels THAT bad. Although I will say -- there's some sort of pain management in whining and it just so happens that I can do that really well.....


w and js mommy said...

this makes me smile. I LOVE YOU And reading about your days. Is it weird that the crazier they are the harder I laugh??

Outnumbered! said...

Just think about all the calories you burned and how you can translate that into some Xtra FOOD!!!! :0)

Proud of you!

Bri said...

I'm sorry, but I have to admit I laughed when reading this! I'm sorry you face planted and that you are sore, but think of all those calories you burned!