Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Road Trip

Our family vacation this summer was a 10 day trip back to Missouri to visit family and friends. So we loaded up the mini-van and headed out on our 14-hour overnight drive (on my actual birthday - not sure who decided that). And because I am a big girl and can admit when I am wrong (because it obviously doesn't happen very often), our 14 hours ended up being closer to 16 due to a slight veer off the path somewhere in Nashville around 2 am. It's a very confusing interstate swap at that point and my DH has made the same exact mistake himself. It may not have been a pleasant car ride for a couple of hours but a few tears on my part made it a lot easier for everyone. Who cares if they weren't exactly worked. :)

So on this vacation we did lots of 'fun' stuff. Most of which I have no pictures for. Totally lame but I'm going to use the 'I'm overwhelmed with my children' excuse and post what I do have. And I'll say 'fun' because the boys definitely had fun during our adventures. At this point in our lives with the ages of the children, it's hard to do things that we know d1 and d2 would LOVE but d3 cannot/will not do such as water parks. And we visited two different parks so fun for the kiddos = stressful for us 'rents. Oh well, it's just a part of the journey, right?

Our vacation highlights (in semi-chronological order):

*missed exit for I-24 in Nashville (ok, maybe this isn't a highlight....)

*devoured fried mush for our first breakfast in K'ville (greasy heaven at its best but ohhhh so good)

*arrived at hospital in time for the birth of the precious twin girls, Ava & Cora - pure sweetness

*Casey's BBQ pizza

*lunch with my aunt and cousin from Colorado - very special for me because it's very rare that I see any of my family

*Guesstures and THE best Chinese with friends

*belated birthday parties for our entire family of 5 so that Grandma & Grandpa can celebrate, too

*GIRLFRIEND DAY including lots of shopping, pedis and lunch

*Summit Waves water park followed by dinner at GoJo's (Japanese Steak House)

*Deanna Rose Farmstead....six kids, two mommies, 100 degrees then followed by Burger King lunch after the near heat stroke where I inadvertently put on a peep show for construction workers in my sun dress whiling chasing d3 up the slide

*Dueling Piano club

*cemetery visit to place flowers on my grandma's grave with all three little guys - such a sweet scene they gave me with their innocence and eagerness to know about her

*Great Wolf Lodge overnight stay w/o D1 - semi-traumatic experience deserves it's own post, perhaps for tomorrow.


KLee said...

When did d3 get so big? Your boys are so handsome!
And I will be in contact with you later this fall as we will be making the trek to Texas. I need some car trip pointers!!

Outnumbered! said...

Is mush livermush??

I hope the slide incident doesn't make you not want to wear skirts anymore. :)

You are a braver woman than me. I won't even take both of my kids to the grocery store, let alone a waterpark overnight.

Glad you had a great time! Sorry you had to drive on your b-day.

Caroline said...

Ohhh... I LOVE dualing piano bars!! Too bad there isn't one in Greenville!

w and js mommy said...

why do you look 16 in that picture?? YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!
Glad you had so many stories it always makes me want to read more! HA