Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, July 5, 2010

Little Guy in the Big Chair

d2 had his first dentist visit with big Dr. C last week and he did fantastic. The trick, according to the staff, is to keep the parents that's exactly how it went. So far, we are cavity-free -- at least where the offspring are concerned. My experience with the dentist is a different story for a different post and I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it so I'll just zip it up for now and show off my tan little feller and his pearly whites....

Another visit he had last week was his 4 year well-child checkup. D1 took him for this and I showed up towards the end. Good thing. You see, we LOVE LOVE LOVE our pediatrician. He is truly a blessing to us - patient, kind, loving but extremely thorough and honest. Just cannot say enough about him. An important piece to this story is that I also have a professional relationship with him - definitely never hurts to have those connections when you have young children, right? Anyway, my point is that had I arrived earlier, I might have wanted to crawl under the examining table and/or submit my resignation. During the appointment, Dr. Y was checking the testicular area (side note: that just sounds weird saying testicles- to me, they are balls, plain and simple) and d2 just started giggling uncontrollably and saying, 'Hehe, Daddy - he's touching my guts - hehe. That's funny!' No words to describe my embarrassment....and I wasn't even in the room. Guess it's better d2calls them guts, though we have no idea where that came from, than some other terms like scrotum - or balls - or (gasp!) guts with a capital 'N.' I'm sure once they hear them called that, guts won't be near as funny as nuts.