Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Heavenly Questions From a 4-Year Old

As I mentioned in the earlier post, I took the 3 little guys to put flowers on my grandmother's grave on the way to the GWL. We stopped by Target for some last minute overnight necessities and picked out a bouquet of the most beautiful pink flowers (no idea of the name, I only know roses, tulips and petunias and they were none of those). I have to say that I was a little nervous about how this would go but I was pleasantly surprised at how well they did. They acted as if they were among many strangers, which I guess was just about right being in a cemetery. They asked questions, lots of them and were very curious. We only stayed a minute and when we left I told them we could wave and blow kisses to Great-Grandma and when all THREE of the boys waved good-bye and blew kisses.....well, let's just say that I'm glad I had my Jackie O BIG sunglasses on because the tears were falling. My grandmother was such an amazing woman and a big part of who I am today. D1 and I decided that it was by the grace of God and my grandmother's constant prayers for me that I did not end up where statistics would have guessed. I miss her terribly, every day, and only wish she could be here to share these miracles with us. But, as I explained to the boys, she is always in our hearts, is always watching us from heaven and will be waiting with open arms to hug us one day when we arrive......

Which leads me to the point of my title ~

I know last year, d1 and I had a few conversations on heaven, Jesus and some random topics on the way to school but this year, it's d2's turn and they are some good ones....and some goofy ones but in his eyes, it's important stuff. Here are some recent Q&A sessions we've had, many logistical questions, and a few that really blew my mind given the age of this child:

d2: Will we go to heaven in an elevator?
Me: Maybe. I don't know.
d2: No, I think it will be on a white horse. And he will be really, really, really fast. What if I fall off the back of the horse?
Me: You won't. It will be a nice horse. No bucking.
d2: What???

d2: Does Jesus have a bigger rock than Daddy? ('rock' meaning his biceps)
Me: Definitely.

d2: How does Jesus hold the whole world in his hands like the song says? That's way too big for anyone.
Me: He's SO strong, only He can do it.
d2: Yeah, but Daddy could probably do it, too.

d2: When we get to heaven, will Daddy be our brother and God be our father?
Me: Well, yes, he will. How did you know that?
d2: I just do. I'm learning alot. But you will always be my mommy. (wiping tears)

I just never wanted to forget these innocent and precious thoughts of my son. I love all my boys so much and although they have similar characteristics, they are all their own little people and I am so proud of them. Are they wild & crazy? Absolutely. Do they enjoy jumping on beds and off of swings? Yep. But they are all BOY and I am working very hard to remember that instead of trying to change them. That does not make them bad or naughty, that makes them spirited, playful and full of zest. They are amazingly smart, handsome boys and God gave them to me for a reason and I'm going to continue to strive to be the best mommy I can......


Outnumbered! said...

So sweet!! He is a smart cookie! :)

Caroline said...

You are an awesome mommy and it is obvious that d2 loves and thinks the world of you and his daddy!!