Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Score One for the Good Guys

Twenty bucks. It's two matinee movie tickets and a super small Sprite. It's a used Wii game. Better yet, it's five happy meals. To a young child that has $20 of their own, they feel rich. Just ask them. They'll tell you.

Recently, d1 came home with a flyer for BackPack Buddies, a program within his school that provides weekly food care packages to families in need. They were asking for monetary donations and he said he wanted to give. I assumed that was his way of saying, 'Get the checkbook out, Mom, so I can do my part.' Imagine my surprise when he left the room and came back with a twenty-dollar bill from his piggy bank. Don't be misled - he's not some loaded 6-year-old with a fat stash. It was the last bill he had. I'll just be honest. I tried to talk him out of the large charitable donation. I offered to play banker and make change for his big bill so that he didn't have to give it all. He refused. Talk about a flood of emotions.

To some of you, this may seem unworthy of a post. To me, it's monumental. We've always known d1 had a big heart and, despite his rough exterior, is a very sensitive guy but giving was never a big strength of his, especially if it meant he had to sacrifice. Ask him to share a bite of ice cream? Not a chance. A toy? Dream on.

Maybe it was also because I felt like we were finally doing something right. Now, we know that children are naturally born with a selfish nature, some more than others. Clearly. We know that it's our job as their parents to mold them into Christ-like individuals so to see the fruits of our labor in such a selfless act was rewarding in so many ways. I feel it's the beginning of great things for my boys.

Am I bragging? Duh. Wouldn't you? If you will look back, I haven't always blogged about such positive steps in our parenting walk. It's often been a struggle to have the glass-half-full perspective when you are battling sleep deprivation and icky toilet water butt (thanks, J). This parenting thing is hard work so when we can claim a victory and kick Satan in the face, you better believe we're all over it and praising God as we go....

1 Comment:

Bri said...

That is awesome! Just when you're really wondering *Do they get it? Are they even paying attention?* a moment like this pops up and humbles you speechless! Great job mom and dad! :)