Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Big Dave

Going through some pictures I've finally uploaded to my laptop, I found one of sweet d2. Though I have no recollection of snapping the shot, I absolutely love it. It just really captures him. And looking back through my blog, it occurs to me that I don't have many posts that are just about him. Well, with the exception of the multiple ER visits we had that were nearly back-to-back on the same eye. Otherwise, he stays under the radar where news is concerned. I would like to attribute that to the fact that he is so laid back and just an all-around easy kid and, well, most of my rants are about my 'challenging' children. An excuse, yes, but truth nonetheless. I also find this to be a good time to reflect on my little middle guy, given the fact that I registered him for kindergarten this past week. Bitter sweet moment, indeed, and more to come in the next few months.

*d2 was my smallest baby at 7lb 6oz. He now weighs 35lbs and it appears that he will remain with his father's slender, Gumby-like figure and likely with a wicked metabolism to go with it. Who wouldn't love to have that? Eat whatever you want and gain NOTHING. Way better than my pudgy frame that the other two have inherited.....

*d2 loves his daddy. Loves everything about him. And who wouldn't? He does have the coolest dad EVER. He just can't wait to tell him that extra special detail about his day when we get home, he loves being body slammed as we walk in the door and he will lay awake in his bed 2 hours past his bedtime for his daddy to get home from a game, just to ask him if he won and kiss him goodnight. Am I jealous? Not a bit. That is their special relationship. And I wouldn't change a thing.

*d2's favorite toy, at the moment, is his GameBoy DS. Though a hand-me-down from d1 when Santa brought him a real DS, he is perfectly content. That's just how he is. If we're trying to decide as a family where to eat dinner, he doesn't care. When picking out a movie to watch, he's usually got an opinion but is willing to watch whatever d1 wants. That's how it is with most everything. Note: we don't always let d1 have the ultimate choice but sometimes it's just easier. Another excuse. He also has a love for his talking Woody doll. Woody sleeps with him in his TS3 bed tent {which, at the moment, has some funky odor coming from within and might have to vanish very soon} along with a hippo, a dinosaur and some little furry-looking rat. Not sure where the last 'thing' came from....

*d2 loves puzzles. What a breath of fresh air. A child that enjoys calm activities. I attribute that to the overconsumption of Dr. Pepper I drank while he was in the womb. Might seem like a reverse effect but I drank the most {of the three} and he is the calmest. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to that conclusion. And no, it has NOTHING to do with him being the smallest. I can't help it if he got his father's lanky genes.

*d2 loves to sing, particularly on the commute to work. He apparently has a special fondness for 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,' I guess, because he wants to sing it all year long. I'm surprisingly okay with it. Maybe it's because he has developed the cutest Southern twang. Or maybe it's because he still has a munchkin voice - very high pitch but super duper cute. Now, at 15, he might not think the high pitch thing is cool but right now, it's precious.

*d2 has one heck of a memory. He remembers every little detail from every bible story he learns at church. He can also tell you how many time outs each friend had at school as well as why they were in time out and what they were wearing that day. My very own RainMan. It's funny though, that when I ask him if he had time outs, he doesn't have nearly as many details on himself as his peers. Kinda weird.

Though he is laid back and enjoys calm activities, he is definitely still very much a little boy in his actions. He picks his nose and thinks it's fun to show his gold. He loves to get dirty and make holes in his pants {though I don't think he's going to love the patches I'm about to iron on}. And just last night he peed in the tub. The tub that he was sharing with his two brothers, one which still finds bath water to be the same as drinking water. No, we weren't happy but it's certainly not the first time and likely won't be the last.

He's our Laze. Our Lazy Daisy. No explanation for the names, other than that D1 comes up with these bizarre nicknames and I somehow end up joining along and shouting 'Lazy' and not even thinking about it. I'm sure once he has a Daisy as a classmate and realizes that they don't have a common anatomical feature, he might forbid us to ever call him that again but until then it shall remain.

And that's all I have time for now. I'm home from church today with baby and the never ending cough and, at the moment, he's using my table runner as a scarf and trying to hide puzzle pieces in his diaper. I know I should redirect but it's so peaceful right now. He's found something to keep his attention for more than 45 seconds and it doesn't involve food.


Glenda Costa said...

you know how I feel about this sweetheart of a him to death! I know him better than D1 and 3. I loved this blog!

w and js mommy said...

well I have a special place for Davis in my heart--he was the first D child to really LOVE me....I don't know its just something we have together. His smile....his laugh....his sweet little voice. I love you Davis James

Jessica said...

Good job mama dedicating a whole (non-ER related) post to sweet, precious middle d. We think he is just super adorable.