Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Things A Doctor Should Never Say To a Mother of Three Boys...

'It looks like you're going to get your first baby g...'

'Uh oh, wait, well, never mind.'

Yes, that's how our day-after-Christmas sneak peek went.  We were fully expecting a boy because, well, let's face it, we just know better.  However, as I laid there on the exam table, making small talk with my old doctor {and employer} while he gave us a free gender scan, I watched that screen carefully.  C'mon now.  I've seen enough ultrasounds of my own, not to mention the thousands I've been studying on BabyCenter since we first received a positive pregnancy test.  I knew what I should be looking for, I asked some {fine, a hundred} questions while he moved the wand over my enormous bulge and, if for only two minutes, it seemed that we were going to have a girl.  Doc couldn't find boy parts and even thought he saw a hamburger {if you don't know what that is, Google it}.  I believe his exact words were, 'Well, either this little one is a boy who will never shower with the other boys or you've got your little girl.'  I had tears welling up but, honestly, it still didn't seem possible. Call it mother's intuition. 

And then it happened.  Just as he was about to shut that machine off and announce Team PINK, d4 flopped his leg over and revealed some serious goods.  Get a load of this kid...

I mean, seriously? I'm almost a little embarrassed to be posting this picture, it's so ridiculously clear.  Who the heck does he think he is anyway? Oh wait, I know.  He's a Darnell boy, LOUD AND PROUD.

It's been a week now and we're coming to terms with the idea.  Don't misunderstand me - we are beyond grateful to become parents again.  It is not something we take for granted.  I have many, many friends who have struggled and would give their right arm to be one shy of a starting line-up.  That being said, we had hoped and prayed for a baby girl so, if I'm being honest, we were a little disappointed.  Not because we're having a baby boy but because we may never know what it's like to have a baby girl. 

Several people have made the comment that we'll just have to 'try again.'  Um, hello? I think we can all agree that Dallas just does not produce XX swimmers.  And let's not forget that we're on numero cuatro here.  We already get the looks when in public, especially now that the belly has rounded out a bit and strangers are certain at what they're staring at {yes, STARING, especially if I'm alone with all of them and happen to be without my wedding ring}.  In this society {or at least where we live}, four kids is insane, five turns you into a freak show.

And let's also keep in mind that, although I'll be physically birthing my fourth child, I truly have five when you include my dear, sweet husband.  You don't believe me? Let's see.  About six months ago, I hid a stupid Nerf gun in the cabinets.  Dallas discovered it the other day and it took him all of three minutes to dig up some foam darts and blast ME while I was in the kitchen, slaving over a hot meal for these heathens.  Rather than helping me establish some rules with these Nerf guns, he would prefer to demonstrate for his boys how to effectively pull off a sneak attack on their mother.  Yeah, good times.   

Nonetheless, this new little guy will be loved abundantly and has quite the exciting childhood laid out for him, albeit at the expense of his mommy's quickly depleting sanity. 

The Lord certainly has a sense of humor, doesn't He? But He is good and we are blessed.  Just keep reminding me of that when I've hidden myself under the bed to get away from my attackers.