Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Paul To My Rescue

It’s been such a busy month that I almost forgot to update you on our excitement. NO, I am not pregnant. Good golly, wouldn’t that be something? I think my poor husband might turn completely gray overnight instead of one hair at a time. And FTR, I think the gray sprinkled into his dark blonde hair is H-O-T!

Remember when I told you last month how, because of sweet Davis’ video, we had been invited to the HisRadio Holiday Gala? Well, we went in early December and it was so neat!

Now, let me tell you that we weren't invited to just be at the dinner. When they asked us to attend, they had also asked if I would be willing to film a short video telling a little bit about that day that we made the video and how I felt watching my little guy praise Jesus. Of course I said yes – how hard could that be?

They made it super convenient for me – they actually came and filmed over lunch one day so I didn’t even have to miss any work. It went really fast, they seemed to think it would all look great and that someone would be in touch to let us know when and where to be for dinner. Whew. The hard part is over. Or so I thought.

About a week before, they called to let us know that we could invite up to ten people to share this night with us. Well, that was a no-brainer. We invited Davis’ K-3 and K-4 teachers {who we LOVE!} as well as Grandpa, Uncle Terry, Aunt Donna, Austin and then, of course, me, Dallas, Dagen and Davis. What a fun group! Where was the youngest of the Darnell boys? **Read to the end to find out.....

On this phone call, they also asked that Davis and I come the night before to be a part of the rehearsal. I thought it was a little strange that we would need to be there for that considering the fact that our video{s} was already shot but we went anyway. When we got there, they ushered us back behind the stage where they were doing test runs of the videos and speakers. The stage manager started to ‘mic us up so then I was really confused. I asked why we needed the microphones and she said, ‘Oh, didn’t they tell you? We’re going to play your video and then you’ll have two minutes to talk about……’ At this point, I didn’t hear anything else out of her mouth.

Um, I'm sorry. For a minute I thought you told me I was going to speak. I mean, we're honored and all but you want me to talk in front of….1,2, many chairs are out here exactly? Oh, 700? Is that all? Pardon me while I go hurl.

So what was I supposed to say? ‘No thanks, I’m good. Someone else can take my place.’ Probably not. I just reminded myself that I was a big girl and I could do this, even if it petrified me. I've never been totally terrified of public speaking BUT I've never done it in front of 700, either.

What else could I do? I didn't want it to look lame that everyone else spoke after their videos and we were in the back hiding out like a bunch of chickens. And obviously I knew Davis wasn’t going to say anything. Seriously, now. Of all three of my boys, I was headed to the stage with the shyest of them all. Now, give me Dagen in front of a crowd and you can count on some entertainment – he can shake that thang or give you some hard core up-downs {complete with the grunts and groans}. But Davis isn’t going to even look at a crowd that size, let alone mutter a single syllable. So I just said okay and convinced myself that surely I could come up with something that sounded halfway educated.

That night, I decided not to stress about it {which is HUGE for me}. I truly believed that the Holy Spirit would intervene....and He did. It was certainly nothing deep and profound but it served the purpose.

Now, that’s not to say that I didn’t prepare. I got up early that next morning, opened my Bible and went to Philippians. You can’t go wrong there and it was crazy how I seemed to gravitate to some verses that totally related to our video on how Christian radio plays a part in our family. In Philippians 4:8, when Paul is telling the church at Philippi to fill themselves with 'whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable,' it occurred to me that this applies here, too. Here is what I shared in my one-minute snippet.

Hi, my name is Dawn Darnell and this is my son, Davis. We’re so thankful to HisRadio for allowing our family to be a part of this awesome night.

As I mentioned in the video, HisRadio does play a big part in our family as we apply censorship to what our boys hear but, as I was reading this morning in Philippians, I was reminded that we as adults are no different. The Bible tells us to fill ourselves with that which is true and lovely and pure. As a follower of Jesus, I physically feel the Holy Spirit in me but, let me tell you, the minutes and hours after listening to a little Chris Tomlin or Third Day, I am on fire for the Lord.

As a mother of three young boys, when I’m in the car, the music has a sort of calming effect and sustains me on those often times loud commutes. I am no longer thinking about the driver who cut me off on the interstate – instead, I’m wondering if that same driver knows the Lord. It’s not only the music but also the positive encouragement heard on HisRadio that resonates with me throughout my day. When my ears have been filled with what my heart knows to be true, I am a much stronger witness to those around me. What if, through me, Jesus can touch another’s life? I don’t ever want to miss that.

Thank you, HisRadio, for helping me to be a better daughter and disciple for the Kingdom.

All in all, it went great. I didn’t throw up on anyone, Davis didn’t cry {although I was holding his lanky, kindergarten self in my arms while speaking at the podium} and no one boo’d us off stage. I call that a success! I did ask him if he had anything he wanted to say {because, at his request, he had planned to say ‘I LOVE JESUS’} but all he could do was giggle. I even tried to bribe him with candy in front of all those people and he just chuckled. Better than some alternatives, I suppose.

Here’s the link if you’d like to watch the video they filmed and shared at this dinner which includes clips of Davis’ original. I hope to have a copy of that actual night's event for the rest of our family and friends to see and for Dave to one day watch but, for now, this will do.


P.S. We met THE Rob Dempsey backstage, talked with him a few minutes and even had a picture taken with him but it came out awful. Naturally.

**So where was little man? C'mon now. No one in their right mind would even attempt that sort of event with Dayne the Pain. Thanks to some sweet friends in our 'hood, Dayne had a playdate with their children while we enjoyed a semi-peaceful meal. Why semi? Why not total peace? Well, because first Dagen asked if the salad, already placed on our tables, was 'IT' in terms of dinner and when we told him it wasn't, he said, rather loudly, 'Oh good! I hate this kind of salad. Where's the cheese and eggs anyway?' Once they did bring out the main course, he asked everyone if they knew what asparagus will do to your urine? Where exactly can I send him to learn discretion? He then proceeded to round the table with 'Are you going to eat your dessert? Because if you're not, I will.' Ah, yes. Just another typical meal with our family.....


Anonymous said...

How exciting for all of you!! Love the way you write. :)

The Rollins Family said...

Dawn, I love you! You are my sister from another mister...and mom!