Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Last night was d2's first soccer game. Turns out he's pretty awesome. He scored 5 goals and looked super cute in his uniform. What? It's relevant. I want him to look good as he's running over his opponents. We even figured out the socks this time.....

What happened to my little boy? Does he not look like he's 12 years old here? Geez Louise.

Taking it to the goal

Is he trash talking in this picture? It sort of looks like it but I know my son would never do such a thing. I know my son would never dream of running his mouth during a competitive sport. I know his daddy taught him better.

We loved watching d2 excel and just have fun but we also enjoyed seeing d1 get fired up for his little brother. He ran up and down the sidelines, cheering him on as he dominated the game. They have their moments where they seem to despise each other but to see the pride that d1 had for d2 last night just warmed my heart.

The other brother was, however, not as thrilled to be a spectator. His only interests were running off to the mud puddles and moving the boundary cones off of the field. I can see now that between d2's soccer games and d1's baseball games, it's going to be a long season with the chunky little feller. However, I have a strategy for tomorrow night's game. Oh, and it's a good one. I'm not going to feed him dinner. Yes, you read that right. I am going to withhold his meal at home and then take it with us to the ball field, in hopes that he becomes famished and wants nothing more than to eat it DURING THE GAME. Maybe that's a bit excessive but if it works, I will have no shame. In fact, if it works, I will feel quite proud of myself for thinking up such a cruel genius plan. Until you've chased children around a busy park, thus missing the other child's at-bat or double play, you wouldn't understand. I can recall many a time this past basketball season when, after the game, d1 would say, 'Mommy, did you see my shot?' and I just had to smile, nod and pretend I had seen it because, in reality, I had missed it thanks to d3 wandering off and crawling under the bleachers or following a stranger into the men's restroom. Desperate times call for desperate measures. No guilt.


KLee said...

What a superstar!! Way to go d2!
And how did the genius plan go?

Autumn said...

Good job mommy!

Jessica said...

Good job d2! And how you look in the uniform IS important:)

Chelle said...

I think your plan for d3 IS genius! If I had a dollar for every time I've had to admit to David that I did not see the result of the awesome play he called in because I was chasing a child, I'd be rich. The only problem: now my children expect to be fed through 2 1/2 hours of it!! :)