Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weight Loss Update

Though I have no pictures to show (and mainly because I don't see a difference physically), I wanted to update on my journey.

It has been 3 weeks since I declared my mission and I'm happy to announce that I am down 7 pounds. Almost halfway to my goal of losing 15 and I have 5 weeks to go before I wear 'the' dress. Looking at that number, I am happy but it has been a lot harder this time to really stay motivated. It just seems that all I think about is FOOD. All day. And my thoughts aren't on the peach I'm about to eat for snack or the baked potato I'm going to eat for dinner. Instead, I'm constantly thinking about chips & ice cream. And mac-n-cheese. I just wish mac-n-cheese could be healthy for me....and I don't mean whole wheat pasta, fat free cheese and fat free milk because then I wouldn't want it. I want the real noodles, sharp cheddar, VELVEETA, eggs, BUTTER....and then eat the whole pan. Right now, I could probably eat one noodle and gain 1/2 a pound. Boo! I also get frustrated when I know I haven't eaten my total points for the day and the scale hasn't moved. Guess I should mention that I'm a slave to the scale. Literally. I weigh myself when I get up, when I get home and before bed. Obsessive much?

I've been trying to find some new snacks that won't crush my budget but that might switch things up a bit for me so that I don't feel like I'm eating the same thing every day. However, easier said than done. I read in another blog that a girl on WW was eating a smoothie every day for breakfast so I decided to check out the ingredients and I didn't even know what half of them were. Maybe I would if I were an all-organic guru but come on. Help a sister out and give me something simple like bananas, strawberries, ice and yogurt. Don't ruin it with some funky additives that I'm guessing are some sort of fiber (which I know the end result of that - thanks!) to lower the points value. Can't I just mix in some Benefiber and call it good?

Does anyone have any good smoothie (or snack) ideas they would like to share that are low in calories & fat but high in fiber? That's how the points are calculated. Right now, these are my ongoing snacks:

*peach (1)
*kettle corn (1)
*watermelon (1)
*apple (1) - to me, not great because a 1-point apple has to be small and I need something BIG
*Chex turtle bar (1) - surprising, I know, but delish (and pricey)
*chocolate bite-size Shredded Mini-Wheats (1.5) - one of my new favs - you get 26 mini-wheats for this value and they are really yummy
*Skinny Cow truffle bar (2)

Please share some personal tips with me (Lauren!). I'll admit that a few times I have considered stopping and being content with where I am and how I look but then I think of how disappointed I will be in myself if I quit and quitting is not an option. Not my thing. I may not lose the total 15lbs but I will get close and that is all I can do. Maybe I need to work on loving my Mommy body, too, but how exactly does one wake up and move forward with that? I would love to know.....


Jessica said...

Fiber One Oats and Chocolate Bar (2pts)
Spinach Salad with 1 tbs blue cheese crumbles and 2 tbs Balsamic Dressing (3 pts)
1 cup Cheerios with low or non fat yogurt (4pts)

For a smoothie try blending your favorite frozen fruit with a Slim Fast shake. Makes 2 servings.

I lived on apples too, add a low fat cheese stick and you will be more satisfied and feel full longer.

Keep up the good work - you look AWESOME. I need to get back on the bandwagon, mmmmmm, after birthday week :-)

Lauren said...

Wow, I can tell you lots of things to eat, but they aren't all cheap. Health food is so stinkin' expensive.

love, love, love granola and granola bars. i buy organic (again, NOT cheap) but they are packed with fiber

jello snack packs. you don't even have to get sugar free (1 point per pack)

popcorn: you can eat a lot for almost no points.

LOTS of fruit

Nuts, especially whole almonds (can be fattening, but they are good fats.)

triscuits or anything whole grain

and, i'm sure you already do this, but i don't drink anything that has sugar. there are TONS of points in drinks. so, i drink unsweet tea with splenda, lemonade with splenda, diet sodas etc....i always tell people that if they'd just cut out sugary drinks, they'd lose ten pounds just for that.

if i need a "filling" snack i eat peanut butter. it's fattening, but i just put a little bit on some apple or celery and it stays with you so you don't keep snacking.

and, i agree, you look great! but i'm proud of you for keeping up the good work!