Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, December 11, 2009

Weight Watchers WORKS!

A quick post on my weight loss. I 'officially' started Weight Watchers mid-May when I returned to work after having d3. I had always planned to use the WW program once I was ready to start my journey and I knew I wouldn't be able to fit into many of my work clothes so it was definitely a good time. I had success after d1 and d2 on losing my baby weight so I was determined that being 3 years older wouldn't hinder me this time.

The day before I delivered d3, I weighed myself. Yikes. 205 lbs? That can't be right. I'm sure I'm just all fluid. I felt a little better about the 50 lb gain when d3 popped (ok, popped sounds WAY easier than it was) out at 9+ lbs. So the other 41 lbs should just fall off, right?

Fast forward 6 weeks. We had d3's baby dedication. Here is a picture of my large self -

Luckily I wasn't dumb enough to wear tight clothes because it wasn't a pretty sight. Here I weighed 173 lbs. This is probably the day I decided it was time to put down the brownies and cut off my Dr. Pepper consumption and get serious. Which is really hard to do when you have great friends bringing you dinner and dessert so often AND when your newborn is up 2 times a night AND you have to go back to work (and try to use what brain cells you have left) but it can be done.

It is now December, just about 7 months later, and I feel SO much better. I set my goal to lose 30 lbs and I actually reached it over a month ago. I thought I would push myself a little further to lose 35 lbs before vacation to Missouri and I'm almost there. Let me just say that it is next to impossible to diet during the holidays. You have Thanksgiving, leftovers from Thanksgiving, Christmas parties (with Vicki's awesome cooking!), chocolate overload (my weakness) I'm just thrilled I haven't gained. So here's the 'after' picture.

So this is me at 140 lbs. I am thrilled to be able to wear my cherished Silver jeans again and was ecstatic to be able to put on the pair of size 8's my sweet friend Livy brought me this summer. They are almost loose!! Not sure why I have my hand on my hip in this picture - I'm really not trying to do the model look, not my thing. Truth be told, I actually wanted D1 to climb up in the attic at 6:30 this morning and dig out my capris I wore in the first picture and pull off 'The Biggest Loser' shot with me holding the 'big' pants. He just gave me a look. I think it meant no, among other things.

Now the challenge - to keep it off. Spending a week with my MIL who doesn't know anything other than cooking fatty foods (yes, it's really good but artery-clogging at best) is going to be tough but vacation isn't supposed to be about counting points. Unless, of course, you want to see how many points you can get in one day.......
ETA: My apologies for the quality of photo #2. It comes from my phone. I love my iPhone but the photo function is less than stellar. You would think it would be better but it's not. And I really didn't need any help with my pasty, pale skin that the phone enhanced so THANKS APPLE.


Tara said...

You can really tell a difference! I was noticing at the Christmas party how much weight you have lost. Congratulations!

Caroline said...

You look great!!! I may be having to turn to WW after this baby too! It's funny, as you get older, it is harder and harder to lose weight! Congrats!!!!:)

Bri said...

Congratulations girl! You look great! After I had Anna, the losing wasn't the hard part, it was keeping it off. Unfortunately I didn't do so well with the keeping it off. :( Keep working out and eating healthy (after the holidays of course) and you'll do fine! :)

Outnumbered! said...

That is great! I am so proud of you. It take a lot of discipline to lose weight slowly and it will be more likely to stay off since you did it the right way!