Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Day in the Life

Somedays I wonder how I maintain my sanity, especially lately with D1 going back to his passion of coaching. Maybe this is a whiney post but I don’t care. Sometimes Momma needs to have a meltdown, too.

5:40 – alarm goes off
5:49 – alarm goes off again…..and I get up
5:55 – d3 awakens thanks to a coughing frenzy (courtesy of the 3-month cough) that leaves his beautiful eyes red-rimmed. I put him on the floor while we finish getting ready for work
6:05 – d2 comes into our room, and ‘loves’ on d3 but in turn, knocks him over and d3 begins to cry
6:10 – d1 stumbles out of bed and immediately asks if he’s taking a lunch to school. When I say yes, he throws himself on the floor and cries……even before I tell him I’ve packed his fav – a drinkable yogurt
6:12 – we all head downstairs, where the boys’ clothes are laid out on the couch. ‘d2 sees that his shirt has nothing on it (i.e. tractor, basketball or drums) and he starts crying. Keep in mind, the other two haven’t stopped crying
6:13 – dreaming of that first cup of coffee
6:14 – I jog back upstairs to get d3’s extra change of clothes for school since he’s been termed the ‘spitter’ in his class
6:15 – pack d3’s bottles and ask d2 to please put the plain blue shirt on and stop crying…AGAIN. Meanwhile, d1 has moved on to tantrum #2 of the morning when he is given Cocoa Puffs for breakfast. Because he doesn’t like that kind of cereal. Really? Even if you asked for it yesterday?
6:20 – put d2 and d3 in the car, double check that I have all diaper bags, jackets and hats
6:22 – jog back upstairs for my wedding rings I left on the bathroom counter
6:23 - We begin our 40-minute morning commute.
6:28 – I realize I forgot my laptop at home. Turn around.
6:29 - what flavor shall I drink today? Pumpkin spice? Cinnamon roll? White chocolate macadamia nut?
6:34 – We begin our 40-minute morning commute. Again.
7:15 – both boys are in their classroom and have begun their day
7:20 – arrive at my office. Immediately go to the break room to start the coffee. Recall those slight chest pains I had yesterday after the 3 cups of coffee I had. Push the ‘brew’ button anyway.
7:27 – coffee cup out, Cinnamon Roll creamer out. Pour, stir and enjoy.
7:30 – let my work day officially begin
11:00 – pick up d2 for his pediatrician appointment. During the car ride, remind him that we do not pick our nose, and no, Dr. Y does not laugh at his farts like Daddy does so DON’T DO IT.
11:45 – still in the waiting room for the appointment. ‘d2 asks me, rather loudly, what is taking them so long to call his name? I tell him it will just be another few minutes. Hopefully.
12:00 – into the exam room. While Dr. Y is talking with me, d2 is opening multiple tongue depressors, spinning the stethoscope around like a lasso and repeatedly triggering the electric hand sanitizer to dispense. Thankfully, Dr. Y has the patience of a saint and doesn’t seem to mind a bit.
12:15 - appointment is over. Swing through McD’s drive thru (hey, don’t judge – at least I got him apples instead of fries) and head back to the CDC.
12:45 – returned to my desk…..with 30 new emails…..and 3 new voicemails. Seriously? It’s only been 2 hours, people.
4:00 – leave work to pick up d2 and d3. While signing d3 out, he burps and ‘overflows’ onto my sweater. Sigh. I’ve only worn this sweater twice.
5:00 – drive to d1’s school to pick him up for basketball practice.
5:15 – drive thru Chick-Fil-A and toss some nuggets-and fries- back to the ones with teeth. (ok, so I’m not June Cleaver with the healthy lunch packed in the picnic basket; some days we’re in survival mode)
5:35 – dash through the door of TFBC for practice. ‘d1 has meltdown #284 of the day when I make him wear pants instead of shorts. Even though 3 of the 6 other players have pants on. We frequent the ladies room a few times for some ‘reinforcement of authority.’
6:30 – load em’ up in the van after practice, with everyone crying because I’m tired/I didn’t get another snack/Joe wouldn’t pass the ball to me. I simply turn the volume up on ‘Madagascar.’
7:00 – home. Everyone to bed. I will spare the details here – it’s far too traumatic to write down. Let’s just say it’s all done by 7:45 and I collapse on the couch.
8:00 – D1 home from practice. I try to smile.

But… night is not over…….

2:00 AM – d3 wakes up – you know, in that coughing frenzy again. He can’t stop coughing so, in an effort to keep the other boys asleep, I take him downstairs to the couch and we fall asleep around 3:00.
5:40 – D1 shakes me awake on the couch. I can’t straighten my neck out. AND…..I get to do it all over again.

All this sounds like I’m complaining and maybe I am just a tiny bit but, despite all of this madness, I am BLESSED and I do love my life. Maybe some days more than others. I just never knew how crazy a life with little ones can be. And maybe I’ll look back and laugh at these wild times. Maybe. For now, I'll use my blog as therapy. And maybe my local Target.


Outnumbered! said...

Bless it.

KLee said...

I will never complain again! Congrats on surviving!

Caroline said...

Good grief!! And I thought my days were rough with ONE! I'm w/ K, I won't complain again - well, at least for the next 3 hours:)

W and Js mommy said...

You make me smile! I am so grateful for all my friends who are willing to be REAL and let others know how we can be praying for them! In the CRAZY days when you least expect it...that is WHEN GOD blesses us! Thanks for being my friend...I love you

W and Js mommy said...

You always come in with grace and love! I would have never known what your day was like at all. You do it so well! I am praying for all of you working mommies and stay at home mommies. I appreciate all of you!

Love, Miss Rhonda
(I do not know have an account, so Beth let me use hers :)

Jessica said...

I love that you keep your sense of humor in the midst of the craziness. Think my favorite part is that you had only worn the sweater twice:-)

Bri said...

I'll be honest, I laughed (hysterically at times) through your post. I've been where you are with three little ones, but I assure you it does get less hectic or perhaps we just learn to cope better. Either way, you need to print and add these posts to a scrapbook, because this is the stuff stories at family dinners are made of. :)

Bryanna said...

Yikes, what a day...glad you made it through. Hope you guys somehow had a stress free, enjoyable Turkey Day.

Bryanna said...
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