Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, December 11, 2009

So Sick of the Sickness

I just have to vent. Yes. Again. Seems I do a lot of that on here but hey - it's my blog and I'll whine if I want to.

This cold/flu season will not leave us alone. Particulary d3. I remember the struggles of the other two in their first year with all the common issues but it just seems way worse this time. And I accept the fact that my kids will probably contract more viruses than others since they are in F/T childcare but COME ON! He has had (what seems like) a three-month cough and he's too young to really give him anything to suppress so we just listen to the cough.....and deal with the looks we get from outsiders when he goes into a coughing fit. Always makes you feel great when that happens. I feel like making him a shirt that says, 'Yes, I've been to the doctor. It's just a cough. Don't judge!' And the cost of all this? Sheesh. I made a comment to our pediatrician recently that we should just cut out the middle man (insurance) and let me set up a direct transfer from my checking account to his. It's essentially what I'm doing - working to pay my doctor bills. Good thing we work together or he might be offended.

And then there's little d2 who had an ongoing ear infection that we finally got rid of. Who knows how long he had it - he hardly complains when he's in pain so it's difficult to know when he really does need a doc visit. I do love seeing d2 with our pediatrician. He just loves him. Last time we were there, it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen. He saw Dr. Y in the hallway so he broke away from me, sprinted to Dr. Y, leaped into his arms and planted a big ole' smooch on his cheek. I almost cried. And the best part? Dr. Y didn't miss a beat and said, 'I love you buddy, be good!' So, anyone in need of a good pediatrician? I have just the guy for you!

D1 is home, again, with d3 today. Second time this week. Fever and cough. Same story, different day. And d3 is cutting his top two teeth so we're praying it has a little to do with all the other symptoms. I'll look at the bright side of things - my kids pick up all the germs and grimeys when they are little. When they are in school, they should have perfect attendance from lack of sickness. Their attendance (or mine) is taking the hit now.


Here's another 'Kids Say the Darndest Things - Darnell style' that goes along with the title of this post:

Ms. M (d2's teacher at preschool) told me last week that d2 spilled his milk at lunch that day and since they teach the kids to clean up after themselves (which I actively support), she gave d2 some paper towels. She said that when he was under the table, wiping the mess, he said, 'Ms. M, I am sick and tired of spilling my milk.' Oops. Guess he had to hear it from somewhere, huh?


Jessica said...

Hope the little guys feel better soon!!! Love the idea for the t-shirt:-)

Outnumbered! said...

Bless it. I hope the boys get better soon!

d2 comments sounds like my house last night when I told RC I was sick and tired of cleaning up his poop!