Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, June 2, 2008

Take This Job and Shove IT!

That's right ~ I gave my notice at my job. My last day worked will be June 20th (d2's 2nd birthday - double celebration!) D1 and I have done lots of praying and pondering and decided this would be best for our family (and my sanity) if I left my current position. I still have to find a professional P/T job (which I realize could be a challenge) but I'm hoping and praying it will work out where I can be home at least 2 days a week. If we can't find that, I may be going back to a full-time position in the fall until I do find something P/T...but at least I'll have the summer to search and spend some quality time with my boys. If anyone knows of a part-time position in the Accounting & Finance field, please send them my way. I don't wanna go back to a 40 hour job! WAAAAAA!!

Since D1 has the entire summer off, we've decided to make the most of the timing and travel back home for 3 weeks to visit family and friends. We're looking forward to this trip as are the boys to go back and have their fun on the farm while we get to catch up with old friends, many of whom have been popping babies out left and right! We can't wait to meet all of the new additions!!

It's Summertime!!!! Bring on the fun in the sun!!


Caroline said...

That is so exciting!! We'll have to get together for some summer fun! Now what can we do that d1, d2 and S would enjoy?!?!? Zoo? Ice cream? Sprinkler in the yard and a baby pool?

TCW said...

I am so proud of you. Amazing things happen when you do what God directs you do. He will take care of everything (he always does).

Outnumbered! said...

I am jealous. I might be joining your ranks soon b/c I might get myself fired here in the next two weeks b/c everyone is getting on my nerves so bad at work and I am super stressed.