Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, February 22, 2008

I'm So Over Winter and READY for Springtime!!

I've never been a fan of winters and I hate complaining about it this year, especially since we haven't had to deal with snow and ice like we are accustomed to. BUT my kids cannot stay healthy.....and I'm going to blame the up-and-down temps just because I have nothing else to blame. We have been battling sickness since October with strep throat, ear infections, pink eye and once one of the boys recovers, it's a matter of hours before the other contracts it. Why can't we stay healthy? The boss is not loving on my once-a-week phone messages (that I leave at 5am to ensure he hasn't arrived yet!) that tell him I will be MIA AGAIN! What can you do? Our babies need us when they are feeling puny.

I will give thanks for this....and I HOPE AND PRAY I do not jinx us but we have been flu-free this season, despite the horrible cases going all around us. As a family, we did receive flu shots ~ whether that's the primary reason we are staying healthy, no one knows but I'm so thankful for that. If we can just make it through another month or so!

A funny thing did happen last night. When d2 is stuffed up (as he is now), we are all aware that if he sneezes, he's likely to create quite a mess from his nose. Well, while we were eating dinner, he sneezed and out came a perfectly round HUGE bubble that remained in tact until I could wipe it up with a tissue. At least we were at home for this production; usually I'm driving and trying to wipe it from the drivers seat, all the while running off the road and steering with my knees.

On a final note of griping, d2 currently has another ear infection ~ second one this month. We have probably paid more in healthcare costs in the last 5 months than we have in the last 4 years (baby deliveries included!). Absolutely absurd! We're pumping him full of yet another antibiotic and praying that the fluid stays far away. We dodged the bullet last year of having tubes placed in his ears so pray that we miss it again!


W and Js mommy said...

BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I HATE being sick---Can;t wait for the open up some windows and GET THE SICK OUT!!!!! Praying for your sweet boys!

Outnumbered! said...

I am totally there with you. At least my boy is now well and it's just me that's sick! I am feeling better today, though! I want to get some fresh air tomorrow!

TCW said...

I hate that they are sick. If I can do anything to help just let me know. We are praying for you guys. It was good to see you this evening. I think we make a pretty good team.