Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, February 15, 2008

House for Sale

Well, it's official ~ our house is on the market! By that I mean we stuck the "For Sale By Owner" sign in the front yard and we are just waiting for the right person to drive by. D1 and I have decided to take a leap of faith and see what many unknowns right now but our first priority is for me to become a SAHM with the boys. That's just not financially possible if we drop my income. It's amazing how much priorities change within just a few short months. If someone had told me that I would want to be a SAHM a year ago, I would have fallen on the floor and laughed until I cried. It was NOT in our plans....but something has changed in me. I never imagined it would be a thought I would even entertain. All I know is that right now my beautiful boys see their daycare teachers more than their Momma and Daddy on a daily basis. It's time for a change....

So, what does this mean for our new life here in the South? We don't know at this point. Lots of things up in the air and we are likely to have tough decisions to make in the near future. One thing is absolutely certain ~ we trust that God will lead us in the right direction and we know that where He guides, He provides. Now all I need to do is work on that "giving my worries to Him" topic we so often discuss in BS. Please pray for our family that we make the right decisions and that we feel peace with whatever path we journey upon.

And if you know anyone house hunting in the Greer area, I have just the home for them......


Tara said...

That is wonderful that you will be able to stay home with the boys! Good luck selling your house. Although we would love for you to stay in Greenville, I understand your need for family support. David and I are only three hours away from our families and miss them desperately! May you and your family find peace during this uncertain time as you wait for God to reveal his perfect plan for your lives.

Caroline said...

Wow, lots going on for y'all!! And, if you do go back to Missouri, I will be so sad (but completely understand - I wish my parents lived here but at least we have M's family). Good luck with selling the house and I'll keep my ears open for someone looking for a house in Greer:)

Outnumbered! said...

I'm glad you'll be able to stay at home w/ the boys, but I'll be bummed if you move back to Missouri! :O

If you aren't able to sell your house on your own, I know I really handsome realtor that I could hook you up with! :)

It's a Mom Thing said...

What a cute house! Make sure you tell Beth - her friend Rhonda is house hunting!

I can tell you from my experience that if God has laid this on your heart, He will honor your obedience. Keep trusting Him. And I hope you will love being at home as much as I do.

TCW said...

Good luck with the sale. God will lead you in the right direction. I just hope he leads you locally(I know that is selfish, so forgive me). Let us know if you need any help.