Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Believe The Children Are Our Future....

"Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside"

Laugh if you like but if you were an 80's {or earlier} baby like I was, you know this song. Everyone loves a little Whitney throw back, right?

In all seriousness, though, I want to give a big shout out to Pendleton Place Children's Shelter. They are doing all that the former Mrs. Bobby Brown sang about above - teaching, loving and leading - the children of our future.

But not just any children. They are caring for those coming from broken homes, many times in the middle of the night, with only the clothes on their back. These children have been abused, neglected and are no longer safe in their environment. PP workers are loving on these kids who have lost all sense of stability and structure, assuming they ever had any to begin with. They are meeting all of their physical and emotional needs and equipping these children for what is next in their life, whatever that may be.

If not for the facilities and workers at PP, there is no telling where many of these kids would be. I have seen and heard success stories that would ROCK your world. The Bible is very clear in James 1:27 that we care for the orphans and that's exactly what these children are - orphans.

Last week at the benefit breakfast, we listened to a story about a sweet boy that, at birth, was addicted to crack cocaine. Now, five years later, he is a vibrant and healthy five-year-old boy who was cared for at Pendleton Place and later adopted by an awesome family. What a great success story and there are many more because of such a worthy establishment!

If you are in the Greenville area, I encourage you to consider donating time and/or resources to Pendleton Place. I can promise you that it WILL make a difference in the lives of helpless children. If you're not in this area, find a similar organization and get involved. If you don't have one in your area, maybe you should open your own.....

If you'd like more information, check out their website. I was honored to be a part of their 2011 Mission Video shown below. This organization really is near and dear to my heart.

"Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs
A lonely place to be"

And now you can't get the song out of your head. You're welcome.