Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Super 8

Can you remember your wedding day? I can. Just like it was yesterday. I woke up in a hotel with six of my very best girlfriends. I looked out the window and smiled – the sun was shining and that had to be a good sign. I enjoyed a classy KFC lunch while having 718 bobby pins jammed into my scalp for that most desired up-do. I climbed in a limo and, on the way to the church, made a slight detour to see my grandmother in the hospital. Within two hours, I was walking down the aisle to the man I loved. Eight years later, as I look back on that day, it’s amazing to me that I had absolutely, positively no clue what our future held. I don’t believe either of us could have imagined a life this abundant.

Happy Anniversary, Dallas. I love coming home every night and sharing my day with you. I love that you make me laugh without even trying. I love the man that you are and the man that you are becoming every day. Sure, we struggle like everyone else but we have both gained this amazing perspective, with our eyes focused on eternity, that makes all the other ‘stuff’ seems so foolish. I promise to continue striving every day to be the wife that you’ve always wanted and needed. I pray that we both keep our eyes fixed on Him and that our marriage can be an inspiration to others and an example of His perfect love.

I ran across these pictures from our rehearsal dinner slide show. Look at how young we looked…..

Who stole my neck?

Pretty much sums up life with this fellow....still

Did you really think this was about a motel?

1 Comment:

snk4ever said...

Hope you two had an amazing anniversary!! Remembering your wedding day and it was beautiful and soooo much fun!! And you still look young :)