Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Main Thing

Sundays have become my favorite day of the week. Not only is it a day to spend with my family but I also get to spend it in God’s house with friends and loved ones. Now, that’s not to say that it’s all peaches and petunias. It does require some planning on our my part to make sure that clothes are clean and laid out, breakfast options are express-style and I have enough suckers in my purse to keep d1 mute during the worship service. Those are the struggles of today, really just minor details.

Not so long ago, though, my struggle was of a deeper nature. I wasn’t so sure I belonged in church. I had so many skeletons in my closet that I didn’t understand how I could possibly be accepted among any church body because certainly they couldn’t relate. Man how wrong I was. The first church we attended, and were later baptized in, accepted everyone. Though it was of the Baptist denomination, it didn’t matter who you were, where you came from, what you were dressed in or why you chose to show up. They made that very clear and, because of that, I felt welcome. I often wonder what my life might be like today if that church hadn’t graciously opened their arms to sinners like me. Would I still be lost? This is significant so pay attention.

And now is where it gets uncomfortable. You may not like what I have to say and if it gets to be too much, just remember that little black ‘X’ at the top right-hand corner of the page, though I do hope you’ll stick it out and see where I’m going.

Though I don’t expect the church we’re in now to be exactly the same as that of the church we once were a part of, I do expect the same purpose. These days, I’m not so sure. These days, I’m seeing many church members chucking complaints all over the place. The sanctuary was too hot, the preacher didn’t wear a tie, the music was too long/loud, the church schedule doesn’t fit my schedule……and the list goes on. Maybe this is just for my own personal reflection but here are my thoughts:

• If the temperature isn’t right, good news! The service doesn’t last 10 hours. Before long, you’ll be home and back to your perfect bubble in no time.

• If the preacher didn’t wear a tie and it peeves you, good news! It doesn’t affect the message and that’s all that matters.

• If the music isn’t your style or the church schedule doesn’t fit your family schedule, good news! We have three services to fit all styles. Choose another. No one knows better than me that changing a schedule with small children is not easy. However, it’s one day a week and, to me, Jesus is worth it.

These are true grievances that I have heard firsthand, some I may have even felt here or there but I am now overwhelmed with conviction. I’m not writing this to hurt anyone but if it does, I’m sorry. I’ve never been good at keeping my opinion to myself. I see no reason to start now.

So why is this weighing so heavily? For me, it's easy. I know where my salvation lies. I know that if I die today, I will spend eternity in heaven. Therefore, I come to church to worship the God that loves me. I come to church to serve the God that provides for me. I really try to be cognizant of the fact that, though every little element of my church may not be perfect, it’s not all about me. Did you hear that? IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT US. We need to keep the main thing the main thing. Yes, changes are being made but these are not ungodly changes. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Our church is seeking God’s will. We are seeking to reach and save the lost, those that will go straight to hell if someone does not share Jesus with them. Maybe things aren't 'how they've always been' but the world is not the same as it was 50 years ago, either. Paul tells the Colossian church that ‘Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving Christ.’ {Colossians 3:22-24}

If it weren’t for the contemporary praise and preaching styles, I may never have stepped foot into that first church where I was saved, baptized and forever changed. Because that church had an eternal perspective and a love for the lost, I was rescued. Today, if we reach just one person in all our many uncomfortable changes, we have glorified God.

I would like to think one life, my life, was worth it.


Lauren said...

LOVE IT. Love it, love it. I hope the right people read this. So many need to hear it.

Autumn said...

I am so thankful for your eternal perspective! There are too many people who get saved and get comfortable...and I know all too often that has been me. I am so thankful for a church that isn't comfortable and makes no apologies for it! AMEN!

w and js mommy said...

as always speaking to my heart and my desire to have others catch the "radical" heart too. Its amazing to me that its actually people of our generation with the "all about me" attitude.
I agree with Autumn that people get comfortable. We COME TO WORSHIP ...not to the building we call church!

It's a Mom Thing said...

amen! our sinful nature is soooo selfish...everything is about us and what we like. MORE OF HIM, less of me!!!

ps- i can't see your text when i bring up your's white text on a white background. maybe it's just my computer??

pss - love the blog title...HA!