Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Secrets & Admissions

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m blogging on the couch. Perhaps you’re thinking, ‘So? What’s the big deal?’ but I’m bragging because this doesn’t happen very often. In fact, this NEVER happens but after our nap today, D1 offered to take the boys out for a few hours to give me some quiet time. Awesome, right? Now, my Sunday routine is pretty much the same – nap, laundry, cooking, laundry, baths, laundry, bed – yes, truly exciting. Try not to envy me too much. And I imagine D1’s intent was to give me quiet time to do all of these tasks but without the added stress of refereeing and disciplining that come with the kids being here. For this, I am extremely grateful. It’s so peaceful to load the dishwasher, sweep the floor and clean the poop off the toilet seats to the beat of Chris Tomlin as opposed to the screams courtesy of a biting toddler. {Side note – though we’ve managed to avoid the yellow ring around the base of the toilets lately, why is it that I have to carry a Lysol wipe with me each time I need to use the bathroom? It’s just not right. A public restroom? Expected. My own commode? Not cool. } So to my husband – thank you for speaking my love language and sparing me the headache! Unfortunately, I didn’t get near as much accomplished. I felt like I needed to seize the moment of peace and just relax. Turns out my definition of relax does not include folding Diego undies so here I am on the couch……

I bet some of you are wondering about that nap comment above. Or maybe you’re not. Either way, here’s one of our family secrets. We do have family naps every Saturday and Sunday afternoon and it is something I very much look forward to. I think our success comes from us actually napping with the boys. Now, maybe you’re someone that would just like to have that extra hour of cleaning or clearing the DVR while they sleep. Not me. I like sleep. I desire to have more of it. And although I cherish the actual slumbering, the truly special part for us is the one-on-one time we get with the boy we’re napping with. In a family of multiple children, that alone time is not easy to come by but this is one way we have kept it going. Granted, it’s not in their Top 10 Weekend Highlights but I think they realize it’s not going to change so they might as well save their breath and deal.

This week our family schedule returns to the ‘slammed’ position as d2 begins soccer practice. I’ll admit that as I was writing our week’s activities out on the dry-erase board on the fridge, a part of me wanted to cry, stomp and whine but then I remember that these days won’t last forever. I hear it all the time from parents of grown children and I do believe I will miss this phase. Sometimes I want to scream, 'Oh really? When?' but I really am trying to remember that this doesn't last forever. I also know that we could say ‘no’ more than we do but I feel like our priorities are in the right place and that what we’re busy doing are worthwhile and beneficial. The fact that I work full-time is a choice we decided was best for our family and, though it’s tough juggling, I refuse to let my boys miss out on anything because of my decisions. At least until next year when d3 starts t-ball. You know, since three boys and two parents creates a bit of a logistical problem. Maybe d3 will settle for being a cheerleader instead of a ball player. What? Don't judge. I'm sure I could find him a ‘manly’ outfit….

Speaking of ball players, here’s my posse before a friend’s baseball birthday party. Maybe pictures like this will pass as d3's t-ball days. I mean, does he really need to be on a team to call himself a t-ball player? It's a matter of opinion but he sure does make a cute little slugger....

1 Comment:

Autumn said...

I mean if you're gonna try to pass of those pics as his t-ball days you probably shouldn't post it on your blog and tell him!