Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, November 15, 2010

'Tis the Season... go crazy. Fa la la la la la la la la.

I never realize just how 'calm' life is in the off season until basketball begins and then it's like someone hit the panic button. Or maybe it's just me hitting my internal panic button. Come to think of it, no one else gets freaked out like I do. Probably that type-A personality thing again. Seems as though I'm never going to grow out of it. Why can't I just be carefree, too? Oh, that's right. Because this house can't have two of those. Someone has to run this circus.

There does so happen to be a point to this random mess but I must give background. You see, I've officially been a coach's wife for over 7 years now but we musn't downplay the 2 years before we were married that I played the part. Although I was in college and working full time, I was at every game, home or away. EvErY sInGlE gAmE. D1 coached in a very small school where the away games were, literally, in far, far away. And I wasn't just a fan, I was even the scorekeeper and I had a job. A very important one, thank you. In addition to keeping the stats and all that malarky, I also had the responsibility of notifying 'Coach' when his players were in foul trouble or when he was out of time-outs. It's not as glamorous as one might think. Turns out you're actually supposed to tell Coach he's almost out of time know, before it actually happens. For the record, I only made that mistake once....

After getting married and {so very quickly} having children, D1's coaching was hard on all of us. However, this year is proving to be the most challenging so far. Both d1 and d2 are playing on their own basketball teams this year and, naturally, their practices are on different nights so there we are. Three boys, two nights a week at the gym, one big headache. I do try to prepare even moreso for these hurdles. I make every effort to sneak out of work a bit early in hopes of getting everyone from school, back to the house, shoving some food in their mouths, grabbing some snacks and distractions for LittleMan and running out the door so as not to be late. However, all it takes is one little thing {like I-85 traffic or d3's explosive bowel movements} and all bets are off as to my perfect planning. By the time we get home, everyone is usually crying {including me}, asking for something to drink {including me}, and ready for bed {including me}.

I just have to be honest and say that this whole coaching situation is a constant battle for me. And I'll be the first to say that it's my selfish nature that often wishes D1 didn't coach. I think of all the things I wouldn't have to do alone after a long day at work and how he would be here to help me give baths, pack lunches, read stories, etc. Then I stop and think about the disservice I would be doing for so many teenage boys. My husband was born to teach/coach. He was even voted 'Coach of the Year' in the 2006-2007 season. He is very good at what he does and yet extremely humble in his skills and abilities. It's quite inspiring. He is not only teaching these kids the fundamentals of the sport but he is also teaching them how to be strong, honorable and respectful young men. Many of these boys may come from broken homes. Who knows. They may not have any male figure in their lives. D1 is exactly where he needs to be. I just have to deal with it. He loves what he does and I love him. End of story. I do hope, for his sake, that I can overcome my petty self. And for my sake, I hope my DVR doesn't quit working and PET doesn't run short on CookiesNCreamExtreme.

And you thought this post was going to be full of festive Christmas caroling....


w and js mommy said...

I vote Coach of the year too! We can do this---this basketball season is under our belts! I got your back sister!

Jessica said...

I'm sure D1 is a fantastic coach, but you are a fantastic mommy to make it all work during these crazy times. Hats off to you!