Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, July 20, 2009

Starting 'Em Young

Since D1 has been playing Mr. Mom this summer and staying home with d1 and d2, he has been trying to keep it exciting for all of them (including himself) and has, twice now, taken them to the local country club for a round of golf. Golf is not a foreign concept to these boys. They play alongside their daddy most nights in the backyard and are getting pretty good. d1 got his very own set for his 5th birthday and has definitely put them to good use already. d2 has been using d1's old clubs that he had outgrown from Papa Murphy and has really done well. Especially given the fact that, in most things, d2 seems to favor using his left hand and he's using a right-handed club. We're in the market for a left-handed little-boy club for him but, for now, it's doing the trick. Last night when he was playing, he hit the ball really well and turned to me and said, 'Mommy, I'm a little Tiger Woods!' I was so proud of him, the way he just lit up with excitement. And hey, I could get used to the idea of having a son become the world's best golfer! Momma likes nice things....

Notice the club....

Where d2 doesn't care what club he uses, d1 seems to enjoy using his driver the most and he can get some power behind his swing and has, on occasion, hit his ball into the wooded area behind our house.

When he hits it really hard, he'll say, 'Best one ever!' and will give us a big fist pump.

And this is probably their favorite part of the outing....and I'm a little nervous seeing that the key is in the ignition and not in D1's pocket. Those boys are sneaky and like to hold the key and d1 has no reservations about going for a spin when Daddy turns his back.


Caroline said...

That's so great that they have something special they can do with their daddy!! So special for all of them! Keeping fingers crossed for the next Tiger Woods:)

Outnumbered! said...

We've got the same thing going on with us. As you know, BD is OBSESSED with golf.
I'm looking forward to the future where BOTH boys go golfing w/ Daddy and Mommy gets some free time! :)