Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Friday, July 10, 2009

Myrtle Beach 2009

We recently returned from a week at Myrtle Beach and I'm just getting around to writing about it. It was definitely an experience with 3 young children in tow - D1 and I were both ready for a real 'vacation' when we got back. Since when did time away from home in a beautiful place become more stressful than being at home in the everyday grind?

We really didn't plan this trip very far in advance so the fact that we got a nice condo at a low price a month before we went was amazing in itself. It was about 5 miles from the beach but turns out the boys really don't care much about the beach and the ocean just yet. And it didn't help that when we went, it was extremely hot and humid so I didn't really blame them for not being fans of heat exhaustion - I mean, there was NO breeze. Fortunately, I was able to take some pictures of them during our first few visits, when they did enjoy it. D1's aunt and uncle were down on the beach at Pirateland so we visited them quite a bit and spent some time in the lazy river and the pool, which was much more appealing to the boys than the ocean. Once d1's toes got nipped by a crab, he was D-O-N-E. It was just hard to spend time together outdoors because it was too hot for d3 to be outdoors for a long period so D1 and I were always tag-teaming with him.

I love this picture below because they are actually working AS A TEAM to dig sand and toss it back into the ocean rather than beating each other in the head with the shovels....yes, it really happens and lately has been happening more frequently. I dread their fighting as they get older - I've heard BAD stories of when D1 and his brother were younger and I would have had a coronary if I were D1's mother during those spats.

This is a funny picture but, believe it or not, D1 volunteered to be buried. And this was Father's Day - what a champ! We later discovered that d2's flip-flop was lost at sea and we believe it probably got re-buried in this hole after D1 emerged. Oh well!

At some point in the week, we decided to take a break from the heat and head to Ripley's Aqarium. This was a total waste of $$. At least for our family at this age. We spent approx. $50 and were in there about 30-40 minutes. It was disappointing, although the boys did get to pet the sting rays. And get this - you have to exit the aquarium thru the GIFT SHOP. Great marketing plan but what a crock....fortunately, we made it out of there only spending $2 on some little toys that are already lost somewhere in our van or house. Such is life....

Here is where we truly got our money's worth - Family Kingdom Park. We should have just went here everyday. The boys LOVED it here. We got the wristbands and they rode for about 4 hours (with a quick break for dinner at Friendly's - yum!). This park is truly made for the little crowd and they had a blast.

d2 was so patient, sitting with his hands in his lap while d1 drove him around. Definitely a key difference in their personalities - d1 would have never allowed that.....

While at the beach, we celebrated d2's 3rd birthday. He has just grown up so much this past year and yet he still wants me to hold him and cuddle him every now and then, which I absolutely LOVE. I love the feel of his skin and the way his little body just clings to me when I carry him (when he's feeling the need to be 'the baby' for a minute)...just hard to believe he's turning into a little man. Happy Birthday buddy!! We love you!!


Outnumbered! said...

I know what you mean about needing a vacation from your vacation. Nevertheless, I'm glad you got to get away. Happy Birthday d2!!

Bri said...

I know all to well the exhaustion and chaos that is family vacations. :) I'm glad you all had some fun. Just think someday some kid will find that buried treasure (a.k.a. the flip-flop). :)

Acasha King said...

So cute! I think that going anywhere with little ones is difficult! I cannot imagine doing it with 3 boys, you are an amazing mommy and daddy!

Jessica said...

Why is it that vacation is not nearly as much fun now that we are the parents?!?! Great post - love the pics!!!