Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, November 24, 2008

I Am Thankful For....

As I now have children old enough to understand what it means to be thankful, I try to ask them (at least the older one) what he's thankful for. They have been asking these questions at school, too, so d1 has had some less-vague answers lately, most recent saying he was thankful for his family. That's great and I agree but I want him to eventually be more specific so I thought I would make a list of all that I am thankful for in my life. Maybe you readers can join along and post what you are thankful for.

* My husband who cooks dinner every night, cleans the house, does laundry, plays monsters and tractors with d1 & d2 (and he thoroughly enjoys it), changes the oil in the car/van, mows the yard and is the spiritual leader in our family. His family has been so good to me in the 8+ years we've been together and have really taken me as their own. We will enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my father-in-law and all of his brothers and sisters and we can't wait! They are great people to be around....and they can all cook well, which I really appreciate as I LOVE to eat!!

*My little boys who know how to make Mommy smile (and frown at times but we won't discuss that in this post) by 'mauling' me on the morning drive to work, telling me that I look pretty, sharing their snacks with me, helping me bake blondies and pumpkin muffins on Sunday afternoons, napping with me and thus giving me some cuddle time, waving good-bye to me when I take them to school and telling me to 'hab good day' and saying 'buv you' when I leave and for their pure, innocent character that shows me that they will become the example we set for them. I am also thankful for the lil' guy growing inside of me. He is making me rounder and rounder by the day (or is it all the Bruster's ice cream and burritos?) but I already know he will have his own personality and we will have a special relationship, unique in its own, just like his brothers.

*My health and the health of my family. Praise the Lord we have all been flu/ear infection/strep throat-free this season and we are so blessed for that. For as long as I can remember (about 4 years, I guess), we have battled all of the above with one or the other (or both) and it was always continuous. This year we are striving to be more germ-free and really doing all that we can to keep our family healthy. I know there are times you just can't help the circumstances but I think we can attribute a little of the healthiness to the new environment the boys have been in since August. We love Covenant CDC!!!

*My awesome job that I started in August. Not only do I really like what I'm doing, I LOVE who I work with everyday. My co-workers are wonderful - we do some shopping at lunch, some dining out, and even some scrapbooking (love ya, CG!). My boss' are super flexible and accommodating to my schedule if necesssary....I no longer miss class parties, parades or programs!! WOO HOO!!!

*My friends, new and old. To say I have not have had a 'nuclear' family life would be the understatement of the year. I have a great brother, awesome aunts, uncles and cousins around the US but for the last 13 years, my friends have been my 'family' and have always been there when I've needed them the most. You know who you are and I wouldn't be the wife, mother, professional woman I am today without you! Thanks!! To my new friends - you have all made the transition to the South easier for me by showing such love and support. Thank you and I'm so glad you were placed in my life!

*My house! Yeah, now I'm being material but I love my house. So what if I'm 30 minutes from civilization....I love my house! We have lots of space for the 'monsters' to roam freely, we're less than an hour from the mountains, 4 hours from the's great!

*My faith in God....this is a big one and one that has only grown with time. I've mentioned before that Dallas and I didn't have a Christian background until our good friends, the Schuman's, led us to a fantastic church many years ago. Since then, we have both grown so much as Christians and have such a different perspective on life. It's truly amazing what God will do for you if you will just LET him!

I could probably go on and on and on with all I'm thankful for but that's a good start. I would love to read what others are thankful for so if you get a chance, post it up and be sure to tell those in your lives that you are thankful for them today!


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Almost 7 Years Ago....

This is a little early but due to the holidays coming up, I didn't want to forget to wish my wonderful husband a Happy Anniversary...not of our wedding day but of our engagement day, which was Thanksgiving 2001. I guess most don't typically celebrate it and we usually don't, either but I just love to reminisce about that day. It is definitely one of my happiest days and one I will never forget. A stroll down memory lane...

D1 and I had been dating about a year and a half at this point. We had discussed marriage but no plans had been made, nothing serious in the I thought. In fact, just a week or so before the big proposal, we had a 'fight' about our future and it ended with him walking out of my apartment, telling me that he didn't know if I was the one he wanted to spend his life with and wished I would just leave him alone about the future. Come to find out, it was all staged....I think he thought I was onto him, yet I was totally clueless! So, fast forward to Thanksgiving Day. My little brother and I were going to D1's family's house for dinner. Right before dinner, D1's step-dad asked us to gather in the garage for a quick activity he needed to complete (on video) for him to finish his entrance into the priesthood. His step-dad had parts for each of us to read that was Thanksgiving-themed but also a little romantic, too, and told us to move in a particular sequence after we read our parts. Apparently I was more focused on eating so I didn't pay much attention to the words; I just read my part and moved to my spot. The entire family was involved - D1's parents, brother, sister, their spouses, my brother, and D1's 80-year-old grandfather, Poppy. By the end of the 'poem,' D1 and I were facing each other and he was down on one knee, asking me to marry him. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! The only two that didn't have a clue were me and my bro. I was so surprised, which is exactly what he was hoping for. My ring was exactly what I had described to him throughout the months before when I would talk about the ring I dreamed of having some day. He actually listened and made notes and took those details with him to the jeweler and had my ring designed just for me. When it was over, I immediately said, 'I have to call my grandma!' as my grandma and I were VERY close. As I was dialing (and she wasn't answering), D1 informed me that she already knew because he had gone and asked for their blessing a few weeks before. WHAT???STUNNED AGAIN! Back then, my grandma and I talked everyday and I couldn't believe she had kept such a huge secret. This was, by far, the biggest surprise of my life and I couldn't have asked for a more memorable proposal!!
Isn't it amazing how much life changes over the years? It's only been 7 years but our lives have turned around and around more times that we can count. We got married, became Christians, had babies, lost loved ones, changed jobs, moved 1,000 miles from 'home.' WOW! Writing that really shows me how far we've come and I just cannot imagine my life without D1. He has given me everything I've ever wanted or hoped for...and then some. Dallas, thank you for loving me in the good times and bad, for giving me two (almost three) wonderful boys that want to be just like you, for being my biggest fan! You are a good man and an amazing father. Together, we have created a beautiful family of our own and you are giving me the things I had always dreamed of as a little girl but didn't think I deserved. I could not have asked for a better partner to share my life with! You are my best friend and I LOVE YOU!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Results Are In ~ It's a Boy! Again!

D1 and I went in for our Level 2 ultrasound on Tuesday and were quickly shown the 'proof' of another boy and there was no denying this one. We had an awesome U/S tech who showed us the coolest pics. Baby D constantly wanted to suck his thumb (see below) and he even waved a couple of times. Everything measured perfectly, she saw no problems or abnormalities and we are on track for our April 4th due date...but if he wanted to come a little early, Momma won't object!! I really thought I would be disappointed and I admit I was a little at first when we heard the early prediction but the more I think about it, I realize that a sweet, precious little girl wouldn't last in our household of boys. Our boys are full of energy but also full of love. d1 and d2 have become the best of friends ~ I think d1 even understands d2 better in his 2-year-old jabber than we do at times. I know lil' d3 is going to fit in just right and feel his brothers' love immediately. In fact, they have already begun talking to him through my belly and giving him kisses. Despite the 'shock and awe' of finding out about this baby boy, we are all adjusting to the idea of another baby in the house and we truly feel God's blessing upon us. We may not have planned it but He had a plan for us and everyday we feel it's place in our lives.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Such Innocence....

Each morning, on our way to school/work, d1 and I often have some off-the-wall conversations and this past Friday was no different. Lately, we've been discussing heaven as we explain where people that we love go when they pass away. It's pretty deep and difficult to describe to a four-year-old about death without scaring them so we keep it simple and say that those people have gone on to heaven to be with Jesus. He likes that and one day not long ago, he asked what we will do in heaven. I told him it would be great because we would dance, sing, play, and eat big 'ole meals. Friday morning as we are driving, d1 asks me when we are going to heaven to sing and dance and eat. Again, I kept it simple and told him that we will go when we are very old but that it would be amazing. I will never forget the next question that came....he said, "Mommy, when we get to heaven, do you think Jesus will let me give him a hug?" It was difficult to hold back the tears as I told him he could ABSOLUTELY give Jesus a hug and that would be wonderful. All day long, I couldn't help but stop and think about that profound question from my young child and how quickly he is growing up. As parents, we find ourselves looking forward to when they can gain some independence and do some things for themselves but that morning made me want him to stay my baby forever....and he will, even when he's 50.

I also want to mention how excited D1 and I were to have 'Date Night' this past Saturday, of which we have not had had since July. We thought about it and have not had any alone time away from the boys in over 3 months and we were SO ready for it. Thanks to some great friends who kept the boys, we were able to get a few hours away to do dinner and a movie. We had been told by several people what a great movie Fireproof was so we decided to check it out. WOW is all I can say! I highly recommend it for married couples of all is such a clean, uplifting movie with a storyline that is applicable to all of us and I believe everyone can learn from it. It is a low-budget film with a few cheesy actors but Kirk Cameron gave an awesome performance and I think he is a great role model for married couples today.....he has strong morals and he stands behind what he believes in ~ in his life as well as his career and I think there is something to be said for that. These days, character, ethics and values are being compromised at every level and it's very sad! I think I cried the entire movie but I was certainly not the only fact, I doubt there was a dry eye in the theater. Go see it!!! Thanks again J & B ~ you guys are great friends!!!