Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

d1's First Day of Pre-School

d1 started a new daycare last week and it's fantastic. It's a Methodist church that has a child development center as well as half-day preschool. We are so excited about it! Looking back, it makes me cringe at where we sent the boys before. They were "looked after" but beyond that, it doesn't hold a candle to this new place. d2 will start at the same school in a couple of weeks when his new room is finished being remodeled. And another perk of this new school, which initially led us here is that D1's aunt has taught here for years so the boys have a family connection. These teachers are so loving to the children, they go to Chapel every Tuesday, and it's only about 10 minutes from my new job. AND every Wednesday, parents are encouraged to eat lunch with their children. I can't wait!! Being this close to their school AND having a new, super-flexible position, I won't miss out on any classroom parties or programs and I just might get to chaperone some field trips....hopefully before I start waddling from this new growth in my uterus! ;) Here is my lil' guy on his first official day of preschool!


Caroline said...

He looks so grown up!!! How have you been feeling? I saw on Facebook you were needing Saltines:)

Outnumbered! said...

Aw, how sweet! I'm glad you got them in a new and better place!

Double Dees in SC said...

Yes, crackers are my friend in the evening! I don't remember being this puny with the boys...maybe it's a sign! ;)

It's a Mom Thing said...

That is so exciting. I'm glad you found such a fantastic place to send your boys. I'm sure that makes all the difference for you and starting your new job.

Schuman 4 said...

Love the picture, can't believe he is old enough for preschool. Caleb is enrolled for next year! Miss you!