Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas 2007

A little behind on the Christmas pictures but better late than never, I suppose. Despite this being our first year in SC, we decided to travel back to Missouri for the holidays. With D1 being a teacher and having a nice, long break and myself having a little vacation to burn, it just made sense to take a little trip. We had a FABULOUS time! The boys had great quality time with Grandpa and Grandma S. d1 had a blast feeding the cows and swimming in the hot tub. We got to visit with Uncle A on Christmas Day, we visited Papa M's farm (with a ride on the tractor AND 4-wheeler, against my better judgment), and we got to visit all of our friends whom we have missed TERRIBLY. Both boys got so many wonderful gifts from everyone, and Santa even remembered to stop by and leave a few things as well.

"Santa remembered" - well, for the most part! d1 sat on Santa's lap back in November at Haywood Mall and asked him for a red and purple bicycle (tricycle). I think Santa got his colors mixed up....or maybe D1 sent Santa a memo asking for NO purple? In any case, d1 was very excited about his gift!

"Look at me, Mommy!" Uncle A got d2 a cool Tonka truck that he can ride on and tow other cars with. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to play with it much if d1 is in the room....we are officially to the "I Want What He Has" stage and it stinks! It doesn't seem to matter if they get the EXACT same toy in the EXACT same color....they will inevitably fight over it. I can't count how many times I find myself saying, "Leave him alone!" or "Give it back to him!" or "Get away from each other!" One thing is certain, though...d1 may have 20+ lbs and be a head taller than d2 but d2 will not be pushed around. He gives it right back to d1 and he doesn't show any mercy. D1's mom has told some stories of D1 and his older brother when they were kids and it's extremely frightening to hear what the future may hold for our household. Hammers through the wall, forks being used as weapons.....good stuff! Oh, I often daydream what it must be like to have a sweet, CALM little girl.......guess I'll never know! As rough and crazy as these boys are, though, they are also the most precious gifts God has bestowed upon us and we praise Him everyday for them!! Especially when they are asleep......


Outnumbered! said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas!! Hope you do the bible study again this time!

TCW said...

The joy of siblings. I once put my little brother in the dryer and told him if he screamed, I would turn it on. There goes your sweet, calm girl theory. I have missed seeing you. We need to get together.

Bri said...

:) Reading about the Dagen and Davis spats made me think instantly of the Stoney-Dallas knock down drag outs, but then I read you'd already been warned of such things. If it makes you feel a tiny bit better, it's not just boys who fight like that. My little *princesses* can throw down just as good as any boys. :::sigh:::