Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mission: Muffin Top-Be-Gone

Scroll down to my recent post about our road trip - do you see any common themes within my 'highlights' section? Um, hello? All I did was EAT. Constantly. I don't know if it's just being on vacation or what but I totally let loose and ate like I was pregnant. Which I am NOT - no rumors need to be started. And in the end, I gained right around 4 10 days. Ick. Anyway, I made sure to thoroughly enjoy every last latte and buffet because I am now on a mission to lose 15 lbs. And I even have a deadline of September 23rd. Why that day? Because that is when we leave for our long weekend in MO (yes, AGAIN! but flying!)for a family wedding, which includes D1 as Best Man and d2 as Ring Bearer. I have a super cute black dress that I want to wear and look smokin' hot in. Not much better motivation than that!

So my plan is this - following the Weight Watchers guidelines and trying to squeeze in some ab workouts. I would love to say I will hit the Wii Fit hard every night but I am also going to set realistic goals and know that I have zero energy at 7:30 after working all day, cooking/cleaning up dinner and putting the boys to bed so I will do what I can for exercise and make up the rest in my diet. I lost 35 lbs last summer/fall after d3 so I know I can discipline myself to do it but I also know that I could possibly be at a plateau stage in where my normal weight should be. I don't mind a little meat on my bones.....truth is, I have never been little by anyone's standards....but I just don't like wearing jeans that push my pudge over the edge.

Here's my challenge to you, my friends and family ~ Push me. Encourage me. YELL at me. If I'm in line for that donut on Sunday morning, walk by me and whisper mild expletives like muffin top, fatty, oinker, etc. I have thick skin....I won't cry. Or you can do it nicely with little black dress, chic mama....I respond to those, too.

Though I probably won't update weekly, I'll keep you posted on my progress. GAME ON!


w and js mommy said...

ohhh I need that push HOWEVER if anyone says those things to me I will cut you with a knife. I'm more of the words of encouragment kind of a girl..thanks
I'm with ya girl I have 2 months till my trip and I want start this journey

Jessica said...

You can do it! Words of encouragement from me - YOU were my inspiration to do WW because I watched you shrink before my very eyes. You're gonna look beautiful in your little black dress!