Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, July 1, 2010

At Last.....

We are finally Eastside residents!! Last Friday we did back-to-back closings on the old and new house. Whew, it was C-R-A-Z-Y! We've always moved ourselves (with the help of a U-Haul truck) and after last week's chaos, I vowed we would never do it again without professionals and I mean it. It was just too much. I'll spare you the details. We are just thrilled, thankful and BLESSED that all of the details worked out!

However, none of the details matter (and I do have stories) because we are here and loving it! D1 has accomplished so much in the last week inside and out but we still have a ways to go. Nothing major, just some updates. The boys are thrilled (but not as much as we are) when we are in the van only a few minutes before we arrive at BiLo/Chik-Fil-A/Target. Oh, and did I mention I am probably 8 minutes from Chipotle? A longtime dream of mine! And tonight is a very special night - our modem arrived today! Both D1 and I are sitting side by side on the couch with our laptops. The excitement is like kids on Christmas morning. I'm particularly excited about returning to the blogging world! This may be a bad thing for my sleep - between Kingsbury books and blogging, I might have to settle for 4 hours a night.....

1 Comment:

Lauren said...

welcome!! you'll love it over here :)