Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, October 10, 2011


Life is crazy....again. No time to blog....again. Whatever.

When I was thumbing through pics on my memory card, I realized that I didn't upload several good ones so I'm just throwing the pictures up here with some quick captions. If the photos aren't self explanatory, come up with your own story but make it good. And if your story involves boogers or BM's, you might be right on.

Check out the creeper in the background.....he is such a goob

Memorial Day visit from S&K and their sweet twin girls, Ava & Cora

d2's last day of K-4

Summer Baseball 2011

Pay special attention to this funny shot. The cupcake was so irresistable that it had to be eaten during the team prayer....for once, it wasn't a child of mine.....


It's a Mom Thing said...

notice who the most holy child is in the last pic...uh-hmmm....the one bowing to her LORD. just sayin'. :)

W and Js mommy said...

Who is that eating the cupcake?? Jeremy Burr?? that is funny!!!!