Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Moment of Excitement

Look below. That's our new house.

Or at least the one we now have a contract on. Only one more hurdle to clear.....our current home's appraisal. We were just informed that it will take place early next week and when that day comes, you better believe I'll be calling on you all to pray. Pray that the appraiser they send doesn't decide that our home's value is in the toilet solely based on our subdivision's recent turmoil.

Side note: our new 'neighbors' that laid claims to the foreclosure previously mentioned have not left a great first impression on me. Tuesday night, while unloading their U-Haul, our homes were vibrating from their unruly noise they call music. Kids were running around outside at 10:30pm. I considered welcoming them to the neighborhood with muffins but after that encounter, the muffins might be spiked with Ex-Lax.

Oh new house, how I (will) love thee, let me count the ways:

*My current 45 minute commute to work will be reduced to 25 minutes. And that's doing the speed limit, which isn't really my thing. And the drive to everything else is WAY better! Church, FRIENDS, shopping, pool......

*On that commute, I will pass Starbucks. Everyday. Fortunately, for the sake of my allowance, I have a really hard time paying $3.40 for a latte I can come very close to concocting at work for $2.50 per week. But still, I pass Starbucks. You learn to not take it for granted - all I pass now is a Dunkin Donuts, no longer in business.

*Hot tub conveys with home. After a long day, the thought of relaxing in my new (to me) hot tub is pretty cool. Or hot.

*Walk-ins - food pantry and master closet. Both amazing.

*Subdivision is beautifully landscaped and maintained. That was a problem in our current subdivision so we're thrilled to be going into covenants and restrictions that people actually HAVE to follow.

*Schools are AWESOME! Some of the best in the area. Nuff said.


w and js mommy said...

3.5 miles from ME---6 mins in the car I times it! :)

Outnumbered! said...

I love it! Your new house looks so nice! :)

Jessica said...

So excited for you!!! Looks like an awesome house, beautiful yard. Good luck with your appraisal, hopefully they will find you some great comps.

W and Js mommy said...

so I just reread what I wrote and I think I must be hanging out in Compton :" I times it" What the heck? Haaaaaaa

The 4 Pierces said...

So exciting! I know you all will love being closer to everything and the house looks great!

Laura said...

So glad you will be right down the road :) I havent times it yet......

Go for the Starbucks- look at all the $$ you will be saving by shaving off 20 minutes of gas time!!!

TCW said...

congrats!! I hope everything works out. The house looks great. I can't wait for the first dinner party

Bri said...

Praying for a gracious appraiser to come your way. Love the new house, I may have to take a trip just to get the live tour!

It's a Mom Thing said...

so excited for yall! that's about 2 min from us, i might even do a drive-by today. i hope the move goes well. if you need anything, just holla!