Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

The boys had such a good time! This was the first year that Spiderman (Dagen) really understood how this works - walk up to the door, ring the doorbell, say "Trick or Treat" and get candy. Well, he was fine walking up to the door but, at first, he didn't want to wear the Spiderman mask; he just wanted to be Dagen. Then, when he did finally succumb to the pressures of the mask, he didn't want to wait for the nice person to fill his bucket ~ he wanted to determine what candy he would have by grabbing a handful out of the nice person's bowl. Fortunately "most" of our neighbors were okay with his slight bossiness. By the end of our trip around the subdivision, Dagen figured out how the scenario works and he had it down pat - just in time to be done and head home! As for Davis the Turtle, he just followed usual. In any case, they were super cute and it was a fun night. It was also a great way for us to meet our neighbors who are otherwise holed up in their homes.


Danielle said...

The turtle costume is too cute :) I dont have any kids, but I had a lot of fun passing out candy to all the little ones last night~

Outnumbered! said...

Those outfits were adorable! I didn't have the guts to take R out. I was too tired! But he enjoyed seeing the kids come to our door!

TCW said...

Way cute costumes. We had a blast taking my neice, aka. Minnie Mouse and OK out.

Michelle Y said...

How cute! I had a lot of shy trick-or-treaters visit my house last night too!

The 4 Pierces said...

They are precious in their costumes! Glad you had fun!

Bri said...

hehehe....Davis will just drag anybody home, where did he find that goof ball carrying him? hehe... Seriously, I love that picture of Davis and Dallas.