Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, April 11, 2011

Never Say Never

Today I used my lunch hour to run some errands. Bank, gas station, Goodwill - you know, the exciting stuff. Until today, the only thing I did at Goodwill was deliver my junk. Today, I tried out a different verb at Goodwill, one I never thought I would – I shopped . And you know something? It was pretty sweet.

As a girl, I have memories of my mom shopping Goodwill and Salvation Army for our clothes. Now, I would like to think that I got my thrill of bargain hunting from her and that she was simply trying to get the best deal so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt but, nonetheless, it was embarrassing. Maybe this was another ‘vow’ to myself that I would never be to a level in life that we had to shop at thrift stores. Shallow, I know. What’s so awesome is that I don’t have to shop here but now I want to shop here. It may take a little longer to weed through the inventory but God has provided for us so tremendously and I really want to be a good steward of his provisions. I don’t know why I ever thought that I was above shopping at these types of places. I have no problem getting free food from couponing and enjoy a good consignment sale but, for some reason, I felt this was different.

I'm not sure but I think I'm being taught some level of humility {except is it humility if I admit humility?}. I’ve mentioned my bible study and how convicting it is in all areas, this being one. I also think the stage that my boys are in right now is helping further this desire to not throw away spend large amounts of money on clothing that they will inevitably ruin. I’m not only saving money, I’m saving Mommy a few meltdowns every time I see a new stain or hole in the pants. Maybe it will help me to just ‘let them be’ a little more, knowing that those pants only cost $3, not $30. Right now, when I see a new hole, I have a burning desire to find one of their favorite balls and put a hole in it except I probably bought that toy, too and, they have a gazillion balls and probably wouldn't give a flip.

Allow me to share my deals. I am way excited - can you tell? I mean, we had to know I would get to this point. I’ve conquered Publix and CVS {and still get a total thrill from walking out of both stores with oodles of deals!} so thrift stores had to be somewhere in the progressive path of frugality.

Here we go. Yes, I'm noting the brands because, yes, I’m a brand snob. I’m dealing with one flaw at a time:

d1 jeans {Old Navy cargo}
d1 polo shirt {Target}
D1 khaki cargo shorts {Old Navy} x 2
D2 {that’s me!} dressy top {NY&Co}

So, if you were paying attention, I left with 5 {FIVE} like-new items for a grand total of $16.62! If I would have gone to Target, even on the clearance racks, no way could I have left without paying at least twice that amount. What's even better is that the proceeds are used to help individuals and families in obtaining employment and assisting in several other ways. This lines right up with our heart for the homeless and our hope and desire for them to break the vicious cycle. As I write this, we are working with church staff in developing a church-wide outreach beyond monthly feedings that we hope will ultimately changes lives. Amazing how His plan continues to unfold in such simple ways.

All this to say – give peace, er, Goodwill a chance……


It's a Mom Thing said...

I'm glad you gave it a chance. It's kinda like that thrill of finding name-brand items at Goodwill! Yahoo!! You definitely scored some good stuff.

Autumn said...

Good job mommy! I'm not sure I think I'm above Goodwill, heck, they buy my dinner :) but I am slightly lazy where things like that are concerned...maybe you'll wear off on me!

Bri said...

I was at Goodwill over the weekend. We went in looking for something old and way out of style for Hayley's Colonial Day at school. Hayley not only scored colonial like outfit, BUT she also walked out the proud new owner of an Old Navy (super cute) brown skirt. Not to be out done, Anna scored a GAP hoodie and white
(also super cute) Old Navy skirt. I spent a grand total of $15.
As for being a brand snob, I guess I'm one too. I wasn't always, but after thirteen years of outfitting kids, I've learned some brands just endure longer than others.