Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Giggle Bugs

Nothing sweeter than hearing these sounds from my little ones.... what if they're laughing at noises resembling flatulence - they weren't fighting and that's a monumental moment in itself. Who knows - perhaps this could be our way of bonding them. Minus the biting, although this could be a good time for conflict resolution. But poor d3 - he must have been so confused. We are cheering him on to blow on d1's belly {to create said noises} and then he gets scolded. I'm sure he's thinking that he inherited some kooks for parents. And notice how he uses this moment as a photo op with a big, fat 'CHEESE!'

Do me a favor and turn your eyes from the mounds of never-ending laundry. It's embarrassing but I despise laundry and would pay an unreasonable amount of money to have someone come in and provide this service. If, of course, I had an unreasonable amount of money to give away. So, until I find that money tree, this is what the house looks like...