Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And They're Off......

d1 and d2 started back to school yesterday. I'll be honest and say that it was definitely time. They were getting bored....D1 was spending too much money on daily Lowe's was just time. However, I do want to just say what an AMAZING husband I have. Thankfully, we closed on our new house in June, which left essentially the entire summer to make the desired changes to the house and he was all over it. He is probably an exception to the rule because this man LOVES projects and looked forward to them every day. Well, except for painting - I don't think LOVE is the word I would use to describe his feelings for painting. In fact, the word isn't appropriate for my post BUT he did it anyway and did an awesome job. You are awesome, honey! And my goal is to eventually post some before-and-after pics but I figured my kids came first so that's where this post comes in.

d2 blessing the breakfast (do you love my Christmas cups in August?)

d1 eating his First Day breakfast. Bless his heart - he's not much of a morning person....he does come by it naturally....from me.

And in case you are wondering, we do own a few pairs of jammies but these boys prefer to sleep in their SpideyWhiteys so I don't fight them on that. I've learned to choose my battles and since no one (usually) sees them in their skiivys, I don't care.

On our way to school ~

Might as well have an accurate portrayal of these crazies, right?

We drove to school and all of us (me and all 3 little d's) walked d1 to his classroom. He was so brave and excited and just really made this momma proud.

d1 unloading his backpack with Mrs. H ~

d1 at his desk

We left him to unpack his things. I even got a kiss from him....pretty sure that will end in the next year or two so I will take all I can get for as long as I can get it. After we left, we continued on to take d2 and d3 to school (although it seems a little less of a 'ta-da' moment since they are in the same building as my office thus no pictures). They did start new classes - d2 moved to K-4, d3 to Toddlers area - and both did great!

Overall, the first day of school went entirely different from last year. If you remember, the first day of kindergarten for d1 was an absolute nightmare. Or let me rephrase that. The journey to get to school on the first day of kindergarten was a nightmare. Thank goodness no major catastrophes this year.

Oh, and before I forget. My favorite part of the day. I packed d1's lunch the night before and wrote a little note for him and put in his lunch box (you know, now that the boy can fully read!).

When D1 picked d1 up from school, he said that d1 immediately started telling him how much he loved his lunch box note. Before telling of all other events of the day, he was gushing about the little note I wrote him and told D1 that it almost made him cry because it just made him so happy. My son said this. Not that I think he is without emotion but let's be real here - he's a 6-year-old boy. A very rough and tumblin' boy. I would expect those comments from a girl....oh wait, how would I know? So, I ASSUME a girl might say such things but my son said this. I was floored, touched and in awe, all at the same time. I am continuously blessed by these children!

Looking forward to a great year!


Jessica said...

Such a great mommy, love the lunchbox note. My favorite pic is the "not-a- morning-person" one, it really cracks me up. Glad their first days were good.

Laura said...

So precious! Seriously the picture of d2 blessing his food made me cry a little. And d1 looks a lot like Dan in the morning when he gets up :)

KLee said...

Glad there was not a repeat of last year! So sweet that he loved his note.