Act Justly - Love Mercifully - Walk Humbly

Monday, March 10, 2008

How Did They Do It?

Honestly! How in the WORLD did women raise families of 4,6 & 8 children? If I could travel back in time, I would be very interested to see how they managed to stay sane. Seriously, there weren't "happy pills" like there are now so how did they manage to keep themselves together all the while dealing with a crazy flock of children? I really used to consider myself a strong woman but these days, I feel like the weakest link by the end of the day. All (mostly) due to the screaming and fighting that occurs in my, no. Not between me and the hubs but between the two little DD's that have sprouted horns on their little heads. Below you will see a "Before" shot that was taken at the beginning of one particular day....and this really fits ANY given day in our household....

Awww, aren't they sweet??? HA! Fast forward, oh....maybe an hour and you will find a different picture....

I used to be able to say it was all the older one's actions but these days, it seems pretty split. Little d2 has figured out how to get under d1's skin. The only difference is that a good, stern "NO!" brings d2 to tears. With d1, we are still trying to figure out what makes him tick (and what will deter his behavior). We cannot figure out how to curb his aggressiveness ~ he's not like this with any other child, just his lil' bro. We have tried everything from time-outs (does NOT work with this one), spankin's (we love and believe in THE Dr. Dobson but he needs to meet this "Strong-Willed" child), reward systems, taking things away, etc. Everyone tells me it's the age and at this point, I'm ready to agree because if it's not, then OH MY GOODNESS!!!! At least with that theory, I have a light at the end of the tunnel. To all of you that have successfully raised boys (without having the neighbors calling CPS), GOD BLESS YOU!!! And I'm open to suggestions.....


Outnumbered! said...

Well, I think what you're going thru is very normal. Are you going to see John & Kate on April 18th. Now they are really in for it!!

W and Js mommy said...

Okay so I thought you were supposed to be my HERO with the whole 2 boys thing?? GEESH! Seriously I think its the whole CRAZY 3's thing working against you! Okay so lots of people do not like this...but this is what really help us curb William's TERROR behavior- VINEGAR- Good ole fashion VINEGAR!!! One teaspoon of that and he straightens right up---we hardly even have to do it anymore...All I have to do is put it on the counter and he runs in the opposite direction. I even heard this AWESOME MOM of 4 at church tell me she carries a small travel spray bottle in her purse of it..that way all she has to do is whip it out and give one of them 2 sprays in the mouth and they turn the attitude right around! Now I know some of your readers may not like what I have to say but it is NOT SOAP...and once you are all out of spankings(I've been there) it works---Praying you though you the 3's----NOW BUCK little camper I'm counting on as my personal mom of 2 boys trainer!

Kim Waldern said...

Dear Dawn Marie, this is your Aunt Kimberly. Will you please send us your email address, because we no longer have comcast and Atlanta and I didn't have it written down. I want to send you some photos of Acasha's little girl Savannah Grace King. If you should need to call us we only have cell phones at our new house in the middle of nowhere. Kim's 303-981-1767 or Mike 303-994-2561.
Our new email address is I don't know if Atlanta will set up a new one somehow soon. Thanks, hope all is well with the family. Love Ya, Aunt Kim